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Sat Mar 1st, 2025 @ 11:29pm

Lieutenant Absinthe Harper

Name Absinthe Jade Harper

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human/Vulcan/Betazoid
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5'2"
Weight 125lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Abby is a girl who stands out, even if she doesn't want to. With her small stature, her slight frame and her almost pixie like features she is one that is often hard to look passed. Between her jet black hair, her delicate features and her slight size she is often mistaken, much to her disgust as someone much younger than her actual years. Despite her youthful appearance there is an age of wisdom visible in her deep chocolate eyes.

Though she identifies as human, she does have very mild mixed heritage on both sides of her family, though the only physical tell is the slight Vulcan point to her ears.

Her physical appearance is almost enigmatic, though she usually wears her hair out to conceal her pointed ears from her Vulcan heritage and the delicate gold Bajoran d'ja pagh she wears on her right ear. She also has an impressive collection of skin art. Her left wrist is inked with an intricate black mandala inspired tattoo with scrolls extending down her ring finger and back up her arm. She also has similarly styled tattoos on her left foot and in the middle of her back, though few have been close enough to her to actually be able to see it.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Matteus Harper
Mother Zosia Harper
Brother(s) Booker Harper - Brother (older)
Dex Harper - Brother (older)
Ryder Harper - Brother (older)
Axel Harper - Brother (older)
Maddox Harper - Brother (older)
Ezekiel Harper - Brother (older)
Neo Harper - Brother (older)
Wyatt Harper - Brother (older)
Damon Harper - Brother (older)
Sister(s) None
Other Family Moriah Harper - Paternal Great Grandmother

Clay Harper - Paternal Grandfather
Elsie Harper - Paternal Grandmother

Elliot Zaire - Maternal Grandfather
Rachel Zaire - Maternal Grandmother

Lillith Harper (Sister in Law - Married to Booker Harper)
Aiden Harper - Niece
Amelia Harper - Niece

Rory Hunter (Brother in Law - Married to Dex Harper)
Luna Hunter-Harper - Niece - adopted
Alex Hunter-Harper - Nephew - adopted

Bree Harper (Sister in Law - Married to Ryder Harper)
Rainey Harper - Niece
Adira Harper - Niece
Harley Harper - Nephew

Ziah Harper (Sister-in-Law - Married to Axel Harper)
- Lucia Harper (Niece)
- Ariyah Harper (Niece)
- Tessa Harper (Niece)

Joslyn Harper (Sister-in-Law - Married to Ezekiel Harper)
- Myah-Lin Harper (Niece)
- Zachary Harper (Nephew)
- Larissa Harper (Niece)
- Tobias Harper (Nephew)

Brinley Harper (Sister-in-Law - Married to Maddox Harper)
- Abigail Harper (Niece)
- Cheyenne Harper (Niece
- Brianna & Amelia Harper (Twin Nieces)
- Ryleigh Harper (Niece)

Rebekah Harper (Sister-in-Law - Married to Neo Harper)
- Raydon Harper (Nephew)
- Phoebe Harper (Niece)

Teagan Harper (Sister-in-Law - Married to Wyatt Harper)
- Alain Harper (Nephew)
- Luca Harper (Nephew)
- Brennan & Braelynn Harper (Twins Nephew & Niece)
- Marcus Harper (Nephew)
- Hailey Harper (Niece)
- Devin Harper (Nephew)

Meilani Harper (Sister-in-Law - Married to Damon Harper)
- Trey Harper (Nephew)
- Blaise Harper (Nephew)
- Aubree Harper (Niece)
- Jasmine Harper (Niece)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Abby is the youngest child, having grown up with nine older brothers. She was the much desired daughter that her mother had longed for, yet despite this she did not grow up to be spoiled or pampered. Instead, she grew into a strong, determined, free thinking individual with a genuine love for life and people who isn't afraid to throwdown if necessary. Thanks to growing up in a house full of older brothers, she has a mean right hook.

Although Abby identifies as human, she does have mild mixed heritage on both sides of her family. Her Maternal Grandmother is a Betazoid while her Paternal Great Great Grandfather is Vulcan. The only physical trait from her Vulcan heritage is the pointed ears, which are usually hidden by her hair. From her Betazoid Grandmother she inherited a very vague sense of empathy, which is mostly restricted to people with extremely heightened emotions that are within close physical proximity to her.

Her lack of physical stature and her slight frame often mean people assume her to be weak or unable to fend for herself, an assumption made much to their folly.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
+ strong work ethic
+ good hand to hand combat skills
+ good marksmanship
+ determined
+ Full of Herself
+ Opinionated
+ Has a chip on her shoulder
+ Big Mouthed

- stubborn, some times to the point of pig headedness
- sometimes has anger management issues
- can be easily distracted by shiny things and men
- lacks real discipline
- shiny things
- men

Ambitions To not get dead
Hobbies & Interests Running
Physical Activity

Personal History Abby's childhood was far from normal, infact, normal is not a term that could really be applied to any part of her life prior to joining Starfleet (which is NOT to say that 'normal' is a label she could successfully wear in Starfleet either!).

Born the youngest child and only daughter in a very large family, Abby grew up with 9 brothers that harangued her from a very early age.

Her parents considered themselves essentially gypsies, so most of Abby's life was spent moving around the universe, rarely staying in one place for more than six months.

Their transient lifestyle meant that Abby was exposed to all manners of alien lives and cultures, and developed a strong knack for picking up languages.

It was only after she turned 15 that her parents decided that she needed more structure and discipline in her life so they sent her to a boarding school on Earth. Arriving on Earth to start the August intake of the school year, Abby found herself quickly bored with the lack of variation in her days and the rigidity of the boarding school environment left her vastly unhappy.

It was during her time at boarding school that she found a use for her gift with languages. With her ability to speak many dozens of languages, many of which were ancient, defunct or just unknown to the universal translators used by the schooling system, Abby managed to create a rather profitable side business by teaching other students words and phrases, usually insults or curses.

After being warned multiple times, Abby was expelled after only three months at boarding school and returned to her parents. Rather than resume their previous itinerant lifestyle, Abby's parents settled down on a space station where she attended normal schooling and was able to interact more freely with other children her own age.

Though she missed the constant excitement of travel, She found herself oddly fascinated by the concept of Starfleet, though this could easily also be attributed to the fact that she developed a massive crush on a particular security officer aboard the station who had recently graduated from StarFleet Academy.
Service Record Abby's lack of discipline followed with her after she joined Starfleet Academy. The first year she truly struggled to find her place, feeling lost among the first year cadets, most of whom had grown up in Starfleet families and were familiar with what Starfleet involved. After almost failing out in her first year she returned with a new determination to enjoy her time at the Academy. She created an underground gambling ring, taking bets on academy events, a pass time that proved to be quite profitable. In her third year, buoyed by the fact that she hadn't gotten caught, she increased her little endeavour and started hosting pop up raves in various locations near the Academy. It was during one of these raves that something went horribly wrong, the details of which were never fully made public. Though there was not enough evidence available for Abby to be implicated, she did receive an official warning on her student record and a suspension from the academy. Upon her return, she completed the academy with no additional illicit activities (that anyone was aware of) and graduated.