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Sat Mar 1st, 2025 @ 11:24pm

Lieutenant Ashev

Name Ashev

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Aenar
Age 34 (4 February 2361)

Physical Appearance

Height 5’ 9”
Weight 178 lbs
Hair Color White
Eye Color All White
Physical Description Ashev is short of stature for an Andorian but average for an Aenar. His skin is the almost-white blue of his peers. His two antennae help him sense the world around him. He is blind, but his limited telepathic abilities permit him to “see” the world around him and interact with it.


Spouse Zythao (Andorian female)
Father Thev (74)
Mother Pyri (75)
Sister(s) Sillao (29)
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ashev is very knowledgeable and skilled about his work, and loves to learn new things. He tries to be friendly, but also has a deep yearning for contact with his own people. He is unfortunately overly idealistic and overconfident in his expectations of himself, such that he refuses to pick up a phaser and might disregard some aspect of reality if it goes against what he ‘knows’ to be true.
Strengths & Weaknesses +A skilled doctor
+Has a ‘sense’ for the body and health, which helps in injury and disease diagnosis and treatment
+Loves to learn

-Misses interactions with fellow Aenar
-Sometimes impulsive (especially with his spouse)
-Overly idealistic
Ambitions To keep his comrades and crew alive and well throughout their adventures, and to represent his culture across the galaxy.
Hobbies & Interests -Audiobooks
-Games with friends
-Relaxing in cool environments

Personal History Ashev was born in Lor’Tan, Andoria, in 2361, to full-blooded Aenar parents. Unlike normal Andorians, who married in fours, it was typical for Aenar to marry monogamously, so Ashev had only two parents in his household. Five years later, his parents gave birth to Sillao, his sister. Ashev’s father was a schoolteacher, and so the family stayed in Lor’Tan throughout his childhood, while his mother, an epidemiologist working for the Andorian public health ministry, inspired his love of science and medicine. He visited museums around Andoria and, when possible, offworld, to learn all he could, especially in the life sciences.

The quality of Aenar “vision” being as variable as it is, Ashev had his psi abilities tested with Starfleet when he was ten. While things like images or text on screens eluded him, he could easily sense his environment and even had a knack for identifying problem areas in biological organisms. In combination with audio and tactile feedback systems, he was deemed more than capable of serving in Starfleet in any capacity should he desire it. And desire it he did.

At age 18 he was accepted in Starfleet Academy as a science/pre-medical cadet. There were not many Aenar in the Academy but he was not alone. A small group of cadets and Earth-based officers ran a club that enabled the few Aenar to be among their own kind every now and then, and included hiking excursions in the cooler parts of the planet.

After graduation, Ashev decided to stay at Starfleet Academy for a few years to pursue a specialization in battlefield trauma medicine. The galaxy was unsafe, and the pacifist Aenar wanted to help in the best way he could: putting back together those who were injured in the fight to defend the Federation.

In 2386, he finished at Starfleet Medical and became a junior medical officer aboard USS Jupiter, an Akira-class vessel which explored the frontier and defended the Federation where necessary. His trauma specialization helped numerous times, especially when security officers aboard the Jupiter needed to deploy to defend the Federation colony on Quadra Sigma III when a Romulan warlord attacked in 2389.

In 2390, Ashev returned to Starfleet Medical to seek further education, this time in infectious disease. He wanted to be as valuable as possible to medical departments Starfleet wide, and most Starfleet doctors faced disease more often than battle injuries. That specialization helped him find his next post, Assistant Chief Medical Officer aboard USS Raal, a Steamrunner-class ship which was providing relief and defense in Cardassian space and along the border. It was here on the Raal that he met Zythao, a full-blooded Andorian woman with whom he fell in love. She was a Peregrine pilot providing air support to their missions, and he was instantly besotted. In 2393, the two married in a merger of Andorian and Aenar ceremonies. They might yet seek another two for full Andorian union, but for now they are content.

On the Raal as on the Jupiter, Ashev was the only Aenar assigned to the ship. He was proud, however, to wave the Aenar flag and show off his culture at diplomatic events or culture days where appropriate. He was often invited to functions just so he could speak about his people to guests aboard the ship. After he was married, Zythao came too, the differences between traditional Andorian and Aenar history being a fun topic for anyone interested in such things.

In mid 2394, he was offered a position aboard USS Endurance as Assistant Chief Medical Officer, with the prospects of promotion soon. Zythao encouraged him to take it, knowing that separation was likely as they went on postings.
Service Record 2379-2383: Starfleet Academy
2383-2386: Starfleet Medical, Specialization in battlefield trauma
2386-2390: Medical Officer, USS Jupiter (Akira-class)
2390-2391: Starfleet Medical, Specialization in infectious disease
2391-2394: Assistant Chief Medical Officer, USS Raal (Steamrunner-class)
2394-2395: Assistant Chief Medical Officer, USS Endurance (Nebula-class)
2395-present: Chief Medical Officer, USS Endurance (Nebula-class)