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Tue Oct 1st, 2024 @ 12:16am

Lieutenant Commander Mal Paora Ko Noa Anar

Name Mal Paora Ko Noa Anar

Position Commander, Air Group

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Xahean
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 181 cm (5'11")
Weight 83 kg (183 lbs)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description


Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview
Strengths & Weaknesses In many ways, Anar is very much the typical Starfleet fighter pilot – confident, decisive, and having that (friendly) competitive spirit. Despite the setbacks of having grown up a refugee, Anar proved (from the get-go) he was willing to face any obstacle and endure any challenge, whether personal or professional. Once committed, he will do his best to see it through to the end. And, while there are times when he treads the fine line between knowing how far to push and going over the edge, his own self-awareness (and the help of his friends) usually manage to keep him on the right side.

This might leave some with the impression that Anar is (solely) independent, self-reliant, and not interested in any more time with others than is absolutely necessary. Far from it, in fact. He rather enjoys the company of friends and colleagues, and is said to show great loyalty, both to those he serves with as well as those he feels responsible for. Anar will even extend honor and respect to his enemies, though with the caveat that he will do what is necessary to neutralize a threat (if and when the need arises).

Although able to be incredibly focused and engaged in the moment, Anar has also shown himself (on more than one occasion) quite able to read a situation quickly (and to see the bigger picture). Knowing well the capabilities of himself, his craft, and his team, he can determine precisely how much to apply (and where), and then respond accordingly (all while keeping an eye on the greater whole). It has been this skill (along with his commitment to holding the line, even in the face of great odds) that has contributed greatly to his rise through the ranks (as well as his success in command).
Ambitions All in all, Anar would have to say he’s been rather satisfied with the progression of his career thus far. From the early days, serving as part of a multi-craft flight, to his most recent appointment as commander, air group for the CVW-79 "Nighthawks" aboard the USS Endurance, he has seen his hard work and dedication pay off. With each successive rung he’s climbed, he has found himself able to use his position and authority to effect positive change, both within the units he’s served as well as among the people they’ve encountered.

That said, life as a fighter pilot on the frontier hasn’t exactly left Anar with many opportunities for developing his own personal relationships. His various assignments have taken him far from his remaining family, and while he has made friends among his fellow pilots (and those serving with him aboard his duty postings), he has yet to find someone he could envision sharing his life with romantically. This never really bothered him in the past, as he was more focused on his upward-moving career and the situations his units were dealing with in the borderlands, but more recently it has taken up a greater part of his concern.
Hobbies & Interests
  • reading (e.g. history, fiction)
  • outdoor recreation (e.g. running, hiking)
  • model-building
  • stargazing

    Languages: Xahean, Federation Standard, Romulan, Klingon

  • Personal History
    Service Record CDT | Flight Operations & Aerospace Engineering | Starfleet Academy (2379-2383)

    ENS | Advanced Combat Flight Training | Academy Flight Range (2383-2384)

    ENS | Junior Element Pilot | USS Hrothgar (Sovereign-class) (2384-2385)
    LTJG | Senior Element Pilot | USS Hrothgar (Sovereign-class) (2385-2387)
    LT | Flight Leader | USS Ti'Mur (Akira-class) (2387-2390)
    LT | Flight Leader | Starbase 157 (TBD-class) (2390-2392)

    LT | Elite Combat Flight Training | Academy Flight Range (2392)

    LCDR | Squadron Leader | Starbase 157 (TBD-class) (2392-2396)
    LCDR | Commander, Air Group | USS Endurance (Nebula-class) (2396-present)