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Mon Sep 9th, 2024 @ 1:17pm

Ensign Jacqueline Brown

Name Jacqueline Brown

Position Fighter Pilot

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species 7/8 Human, 1/8 Ocampan
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 1.60m (5’3”)
Weight 52kg (114.4 lbs)
Hair Color Auburn
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Jackie is a young woman who keeps herself physically fit for her duties. In her Academy days she was almost always seen with a smile, but as she ventured into the highly competitive realm of starfighter piloting that often became replaced with a look of determination. Her ears are fairly pointed, the only outward sign of a distant non-Human heritage.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Phillip Brown (Unknown-Unknown)
Mother Alyssa Lexon Brown (2345/6/3-2384/7/1)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Richard Lexon (maternal grandfather, b. 2312); Alenna Lexon (maternal grandmother, b. 2286); Captain Drake Lexon (uncle, b. 2349-4-8)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Though quite friendly and open with close friends, Jackie is much more reserved with others. Still, her ability to quickly react and take appropriate actions is what made her a good candidate for becoming a fighter pilot. Unfortunately, an incident near the end of her training introduced a hesitancy into her decision-making that was not previously present. Even though she has finally been cleared for active duty by her latest psych eval, she has a long way to go before she regains the confidence she had earlier in her training.
Strengths & Weaknesses As with other members of her mother’s family, Jackie has an innate sense for piloting. She has excellent reflexes and makes sure she knows intimately any craft she is flying. Along with this comes a penchant for mechanical prowess, as Jackie believes strongly in knowing what her ship can do and how well it can function at any given moment. She is by no means an expert starfighter pilot, but she has the raw talent that training and future experience will one day make her great.

Like many young pilots, Jackie struggles with a juxtaposition of overconfidence and hesitancy, the later of which was sharply increased after an ejection incident at the end of her training. It will take time and good teachers – often through mistakes – for Jackie to truly understand what she is capable of and where her limits lie. Additionally, though trained at the Academy in how to lead others, Jackie is not quite comfortable with the leadership aspect inherent to officers.
Ambitions Jackie would like to become a good starfighter pilot and perhaps one day lead a squadron, but at present she is not sure if she has the leadership capability. More personally, she would like to more about her father’s side of the family.
Hobbies & Interests After a childhood spent on a starship, Jackie still relishes every chance to enjoy planetside environments (hiking, swimming, camping, sailing, etc.). She isn’t too picky, and will enjoy a holodeck simulation of a planet almost as much as the real thing. She also enjoys working with her hands, especially helping the flight deck crew in her off hours.

Languages: Federation Standard, Ferengi

Personal History Personal History:

Jackie was born on the Vengor, a civilian salvage vessel owned and operated by her grandparents and mother. Since her father was gone before Jackie was born, she knew very little about him. His mother initially stated Phillip had died, but at other times indicated he had merely left. Either way, it was clear Jackie’s Ocampan heritage had come through her father, and that her mother was an unreliable source of information on the matter. Nevertheless, Jackie remained in an otherwise amicable relationship with her mother and grandparents as she grew up aboard their vessel.

Unfortunately, tragedy struck in 2384 when Jackie’s mother was killed by pirates. Deciding that this was no longer a safe place to raise a child, Jackie’s grandparents gave up on their business and returned to Earth.


Having spent her early childhood aboard the civilian ship Vengor, Jackie attended her first years of public school remotely by subspace connection. She wasn’t exactly a bad student, but she had a tendency to fidget during lessons and suffered a bit from the missing social connections others were developing. That changed in 2384, when she was brought to Earth by her grandparents and began attending school in person. In spite of spending her first years of school with minimal social interactions, Jackie quickly became accustomed to life with others her own age. By the time she graduated, she had plenty of friends – some of whom shared her path to Starfleet Academy.

Starfleet Training:

Jackie attended Starfleet Academy from Fall 2390 through Spring 2394, maintaining grades well above those she had previously earned. She had set her sights on flying ships, but not just any ships – starfighters. Those, she knew, took only the best pilots, but first she had to prove she could be a good officer. In her final year, she finally began Basic Flight Training, which turned into Basic Combat Flight Training.

Following her graduation from Starfleet Academy, Jackie was accepted into the Advanced Combat Flight training required for interceptor pilots and anyone who would be flying multirole fighters. This was a grueling course, but Jackie tackled it with confidence and skill. She scored second in her class during final evaluations, but during a final attempt to prove herself she entered a situation that required her to eject. As part of standard procedure, Jackie was grounded until she was cleared by a psych evaluation. To her surprise, she was not immediately cleared; it was determined that the incident resonated far more deeply with her than she had thought.

Career History:

Because of her grounded status, Jackie’s first official assignment was working maintenance on the fighter craft at the Academy Flight Range. Even though she didn’t mind getting dirty and working with her hands, it was a little frustrating to be a fresh Ensign servicing the fighters she was supposed to be flying. Once, she even got so desperate as to ask her uncle, a veteran of the Dominion War and one of the Academy instructors, to clear her for flight. His refusal was kind but firm, and included a reminder that the grounding was for Jackie’s own good.

Eventually, Jackie’s counselling sessions proved fruitful and she was finally cleared for duty. Bidding farewell to her family on Earth, she headed to her first real assignment, flying a Gryphon-class fighter with CVF-79.

Service Record 2391/09/03-2394/12/16: Starfleet Academy, Cadet, Student
2395/01/23-2395/06/09: Basic/Combat Flight Training, Cadet, Student Pilot
2395/07/01-2395/12/22: Advanced Combat Flight Training, Ensign, Student Pilot
||Grounded 2395/12/22 pending psychological evaluation||

2396/01/02-2396/MM/DD: Academy Flight Range, Ensign, Flight Deck Support
||Released for active flight duty following final psychological evaluation||
2396/MM/DD-Present: CVF-79 “Nighthawks”, Ensign, Fighter Pilot