Mission 5: Lost, Stolen, or Missing?
Post Count: 19Lt. Commander Valentine has been apparently kidnapped. The evidence would point towards the Romulans, though the Romulan Free State wouldn't have a need to abduct a Starfleet Officer. Many questions are piling up around the crew.
Part of Season 2
Lower Decks
Post Count: 21For character adventures not related to The Plot.
Part of Drydock & Shoreleave
No missions found
Mission 0: Have Wings, Will Fly
Post Count: 30The U.S.S. Endurance is in Dry Dock, undergoing a Refit, Resupply, and a change of the modular mission pod. A new Flight Deck Pod is being attached, and a fighter Squadron taken onboard - CVW-79, "Night Hawks"
Her new Commanding Officer, Commander Temperance Harding has been tasked with making sure the ship is mission-ready. The crew, new and old, settle in, preparing for what will come ahead.
Part of Drydock & Shoreleave
Mission 1: Distressed Cargo
Post Count: 30Colonies along the Federation borders have been dependent on supplies from the Federation's core, and recently a devastating medical situation have left many without the supplies to react. Mass producing the necessary medicines, and equipment, the Federation has sent numerous cargo ships to answer the devastating situation.
One cargo ship, the SS Liberté has vanished from its usual supply run, and hasn't answered any communiques. The USS Endurance is tasked to track her down, render aid where necessary, and - if required - take on board the supplies herself for the voyage while the cargo ship conducts needed repairs.
Part of Season 1
Mission 2: Chasing Shadows
Post Count: 76Having hunted down what information she can find, Captain Temperance Harding and her ship, the USS Endurance, enter the much rumoured Lembatta Nebula, and finds far more than her crew bargained for.
Part of Season 1
Post Count: 23Part of Drydock & Shoreleave
Mission 3: Mirrored Troubles
Post Count: 13Following the battle with the White Wolf, the Endurance suffers a malfunction with the Warp Drive, and ends up in a place very different. A place where there is but one goal: survival.
Part of Season 1
Mission 4: The Line of Duty
Post Count: 12Part of Season 1