A Future Set in Motion
Posted on Mon May 31st, 2021 @ 4:03pm by Captain Temperance Harding
Mission: Mission 0: Have Wings, Will Fly
The stars slid past outside the small window. The ship was at Warp, heading to an outpost near Cardassian space. This trip would be a simple one: unload fresh supplies, and drop off some travelling personnel. Unlike the last one, Temperance Harding mused to herself. Two crewman dead, and the one responsible having fled, with not a sign of the trail. Not her finest hour, to be sure.
The sound of the door chime broke her out of the reverie. “Come.” She still didn’t turn from the window, even as the doors hissed open, and closed. “It appears I might be getting my ship back.” Captain Dmitri Markov’s voice finally pulled her away from the window.
Her review officer on this training cruise, the ship was officially his on paper, though she had been Acting Commanding Officer for the past couple of years, under his guidance, and observing eye. Weighing her skills, measuring her abilities. No doubt she was found wanting, judging by his comment. “One shuttle lost, two crew perished, and the White Wolf gone. I’d fire my ass, if I was Starfleet Command. I’ll be lucky to get away with piloting a cargo scow.”
Markov raised an eyebrow. “You think so? Tell me, did you lose your cool? Become irrational? Where was your mistake?”
Ever the pupil, Harding took a breath, closed her eyes, and set herself back, going through the events. There must have been something. Must have been some sign she missed.
“It is possible to make no mistake, and still face a failure. Not even I saw the attack on the shuttle coming. You dd nothing wrong, Temperance.”
The use of the first name snapped her out of her inner reflections. “But-”
“Every Captain will lose a member of the crew sooner or later.” Markov indicated the chairs, and he sat – still allowing her the far side of the desk. She hadn’t been relieved yet. “Yes, it is a terrible thing. Ensign Dormer, and Petty Officer Munoz knew what they had signed up for. Everyone knows the risk when they put on that uniform. You faced death time and again in a cockpit. You trusted your instincts. They serve you well. Trust them in the future. They will keep serving you.”
“Thank you, Dmitri. That does mean a lot.” He had taken good care of her these last few years. Teaching, educating, but always with a positive side of what she had done. He pointed out her mistakes, but never to chastise. “So, tell me, what does my future hold?”
The man set the PADD on the desk. “Beyond the immediate, I do not know. Your destiny is yours to forge. I do know it will be aboard a Nebula-class.” Her expression must have shown on her face, as he held up a hand. “Hold your comments. She is in Drydock, in the process of a total refit, and resupply. Your orders are to head there when our supply run is over, and take command, over-seeing the process. You are also taking on a new Mission Pod. The Flight deck. Thirty aircraft will be loaded. You’ll have a full Squadron onboard.”
That did stop any complaints about the idea of a Nebula class. She was getting a mini carrier. In practice, if not in designation. “Why a Nebula? If I’m being given a Squadron?” There were Carriers in the Fleet. A few different sizes. No way would they ever trust someone as fresh as her with a Valkyrie-class. She’d need to be a seasoned Captain for one of those, an O-6 grade for certain.
“Starfleet is mothballing the smaller Carriers, Lexington, Trafalgar, and the like. I did try, but this was what there was.”
Temperance reached out a hand, sliding the PADD towards her. At the very least, she’d be able to watch a Squadron take flight. She wondered if that was why he had pushed so hard for her. “Thank you, Dmitri.”
“You earned this, I merely settled some red tape.” He offered her a crooked smile. “Speaking of, there’s one final thing on that PADD. Congratulations. Final paperwork is being processed, but Starfleet have signed off on your promotion, Commander.”
Scanning to the end of the document, Temperance wasn’t quite sure how to feel. She was being frocked to a full commander. “This is a surprise.”
Dmitri slid the small box with her new pip across the table. “Not to me. You’ve been demonstrating yourself over the last two years. You’ll make a fine Captain. Now, do me a favour and show the brass what you can do.”
Rising to her feet, Temperance picked up the PADD, and her future, came to attention, and headed out of the Ready Room.

Captain Dmitri Markov
U.S.S. Ark Royal
-- NPC'd by Harding