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Abducted And Hating It

Posted on Sat Sep 21st, 2024 @ 7:11pm by Lieutenant Commander Nyx Valentine & Commander Sirona Varshaan

Mission: Mission 5: Lost, Stolen, or Missing?


"Just a few more minutes..." Nyx muttered as she finally began to regain consciousness. She'd been having both a good and a terrible dream. She rolled over on the bunk and grabbed the blanket and clutched it to her chest. Everything had been going to plan in this dream, she'd been promoted to Captain and had a ship of her own, but it wasn't just any ship, it was one that was a dedicated testbed ship for new hardware. Awards had come with it and the shiniest set of Captain's pips on her collar, her shiny gold and black uniform.

She groaned again and rolled back over on her back and stretched as her eyes opened up and she looked at the ceiling. It wasn't her quarters, but she'd passed out.. That had to be what had happened, because she was in a bed that wasn't her own. It wasn't comfortable, but the stations quarters wouldn't be that good, not as good as her custom mattress in her quarters. The ceiling was dull, there was a glow off to the side and Nyx let her head fall towards the glow, then shot straight up as she recognized a forcefield from the inside of a holding cell.

But then another thought crossed her mind, one that caused an icy ball in the pit of her stomach and she looked down, beginning to shake. "No, no, no, this can't be happening." She saw the glint of a mirror recessed into the wall and stood to walk towards it and saw her reflection. "Oh my god... They're monsters..." She whispered as she turned away, "Guard!" She called out, walking to the forcefield, reaching out to bang on it and accepting the mild shock it gave each time she hit her hand against it.

The doors of the room opened. The noise was a much more metallic suction, as opposed to the soft hiss of Starfleet doors. A woman stepped in. She held her hands clasped behind her back. The pose was eerily Vulcan. Yet despite the pointed ears, dark hair, and angled features, Sirona Varshaan was not Vulcan. The dark, checkered uniform, the black metallic sash that came over both shoulders, and met in the middle of her chest, with the winged and clawed crest of the Romulan Star Empire displayed proudly. The high collar of her uniform bore the two Crescent moons, and triangle of a Romulan Commander.

"Glad to see you are awake, Ms. Valentine." She pronounced the name correctly. "I do apologise for the little deception back on the Starbase, but I'm sure you can understand why my people did not announce themselves as Romulan."

Nyx glared daggers at the woman through the forcefield, "Romulans..." She hissed, the final moments of her time on the station now coming back into clarity. There had been that 'Vulcan' that had asked for her help, then led her on, "What do YOU want with me? What did you DO to me?" She gestured at herself in general.

Varshaan ignored the irrelevant questions. "You, Commander, are going to do us a little favour when we arrive at our destination."

"Like hell I am!" Nyx spat back literally, the forcefield sparkling at the intruding droplets, "You've taken me from my ship and assignment! My Captain is going to KILL me, you know? I was supposed to be back on board after only a couple hours and no doubt it's been more than two or three... She probably thinks I'm still out shopping!" She spun away from the woman, then back again, "And the use of torture is against every treaty that the Federation and Romulans have in place!"

Varshaan's grin was almost eerie on the otherwise stoic features. "Torture? My dear Commander. We haven't even begun to torture you. If you wish though, that can be arranged..."

The Betazoid in the cell looked down at her hands and saw... Fingernails. No nail polish applied or more specifically, none still remaining on the nails. She visibly shuddered at the sight which could have been mistaken for thinking over the thoughts of torture, "You've already done the unforgiveable. Vile deeds for which there can be nearly no redemption." Her voice was softer and less defiant, "I suppose I can listen to what you want. What is that anyways?"

Varshaan regarded the woman carefully. Calculating. Finally, she walked to a nearby table and picked up a large PADD. A few commands, and the Romulan Commander flipped it over in the hands, showing Nyx. "A Starfleet memory core. We recovered it a number of months ago, but our scientists have not had luck accessing it. There are multiple layers of security, before we can even begin the decryption process. You, Commander Valentine, are going to get us past that security."

"No way." Nyx had leaned forward to look at the memory core and it wasn't obvious whether she was in disbelief of what it was or her denying that she would actually do what the Romulan was asking. "I can't do it, not in the condition I'm in. Have you ever been in one of these outfits? It's itchy and scratchy and the color!" The Betazoid shuddered, "I couldn't be seen like this, I can't, I'd DIE of embarrassment!"

Varshaan stepped closer to the forcefield, still holding out the PADD. Her voice took on a softer tone, teasing, almost seductive. "I can promise you the finest of Romulan silk." While not known for their fashion designs, the materials themselves that used to be made on the home planet could impress even a devotee of fashion. "Think about it, Commander. You could design an outfit yourself. Have it made for you."

The PADD was switched off in a heartbeat. Varshaan's soft tone cut like a razor, switching in midsentence. "Or, we can lure the Endurance into a trap, and obliterate them."

Nyx bit her lower lip and looked at the now shut-down PADD. That looked interesting and it was something that she may actually be able to do. The thought of Endurance being lured into a trap niggled at her, but her training had dictated that she wasn't supposed to let THAT sort of thing affect whether she cooperated or not. After all, if she gave into that, they could use it in the future if she agreed to do something now, but broker down in the future. But the thought of silk on her delicate skin instead of.. Whatever straw they'd made THIS outfit out of was tempting. She idly reached up and scratched under one sleeve as it grew to itchy to resist, "I can't make any promises, but if you come through with that silk, and I can easily put together an outfit design, but my sewing skills are horrible so someone else will have to make it, I'll at least take a look at it and see what I can come up with."

The smirk of victory that flashed on Varshaan's was almost immediately interrupted by the deep, hollow chime of the Romulan comm system.

"Commander. We are approaching our navigation point."

"Thank you, Major. Proceed." The Romulan regarded Nyx with a subdued look of victory. "In an hour, you will be able to meet the memory core yourself, and begin working on that security."

"An hour?" Nyx shook her head slowly, "If I'm going to have to design my own dress, and by the way I'm going to need high heels of a color matching the silk, I'm going to need at LEAST two. Don't worry, I want to get out of THIS rag as soon as possible." She pondered for a moment, "You know what? Just get me the fabric, I may not be able to sew very well, but I think I won't have to do too much with it. THEN, we can take a look at what you want me to look at."

"We'll arrive in an hour. I suggest you be ready to work. Rewards are earned, Commander. Always remember that." With that, the Romulan Commander turned, and left the single cell brig of the transport. The doors closed behind her, leaving Nyx all alone.

Nyx watched the Romulan leave with slightly opened mouth in shock. "Why, I..." She muttered to herself and sat down where she was on the ground. There was one thing for sure: this was bad.


Commander Sirona Varshaan
Romulan Commander
-- NPC'd by Temperence Harding

Lieutenant Commander Nyx Valentine
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Endurance


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