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Necessary Information

Posted on Fri May 27th, 2022 @ 12:10pm by Captain Temperance Harding & Lieutenant Commander Andromeda Lightfeather

Mission: Mission 2: Chasing Shadows
Location: USS Endurance | Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Prior to arrival at Lambetta


"Harding to Lightfeather, please report to my Ready Room."

Andi was on the bridge when the ship's communications activated and the Captain's voice came over, as she sighed and stood "you have the bridge Lieutenant Ansel" she said and stepped away and headed to the Captain's Ready Room.

As she approached the doors parted before her, "you wanted to see me, Captain?" Lightfeather asked coming into the room far enough so that the doors would close behind herm she stood there and waited for the Captain to respond.

Harding waved her XO into a chair after reading a report that Kelly had interrupted. Setting the PADD aside finally, Harding gave the other woman a look. "Sorry. Paperwork never ends. I've just had a meeting-" that was certainly one way to put it "with Chief Kelly. When we are ready to enter the facility, I will assign him to the Away Team."

Looking suspiciously at the Captain as she took the offered seat, she sat back and crossed her legs "I am somewhat familiar with this Chief Kelly, he has a Spec Ops background, our mission is not this, so why else are you assigning him to my team, tell me what you can please Captain?" Lightfeather asked.

Harding nodded. "The man still has contacts in the Intelligence service, so is likely fully aware of our mission details. He has been asked to accomplish an objective for SFI, though he can't give me the details - a grey area, in terms. Of regulations. I don't have any reason to doubt the man, but I don't like assigning people without knowing their intentions." She sighed heavily. "I hate Intelligence operations. So many secrets within secrets."

Nodding "yes, I have an acquaintance that had a bad experience with SFI early in her career, I know how secretive they can be and their Intel is not usually that great, although it has improved over the years. As for assigning people, I am of the same mind as you Captain, if one does not know, then the whole team is in danger" she pauses.

"So, what am I to do with the Chief after arriving at our LZ?" Lightfeather asked.

Harding considered the question. None of the answers was good answers, and she sighed softly. "Let him do what he has to do. If he requests assistance, provide it." The next part came hard, and Harding found her instincts fighting each other. "If the Chief's objectives delay his return, and you feel the team's safety is beyond an acceptable risk, on my authority I want you to leave." The words were pulled from her. She hated saying it. She hated having it on her head. "Kelly knows what he is asking, what he is doing. He knows that evac isn't always an option. I don't 'like' leaving people behind. It is the career he chose. The speciality he was trained in."

Why was she trying to convince herself of that? "The safety of the team as a whole comes first. I leave it to your judgement for what is an acceptable risk, but I will back your decision. No one above will come down to you. It shall be my head on the block."

Looking a little concerned "got it on letting him do his own thing and providing help if it is needed, I am glad he understands about extraction, but such is the burden of Command Captain, we have to make the tough choices, but I will give the Chief the extraction ground rules before he goes and does his thing, but if he is not back by the time we are leaving I will put the team first, but it is nice to know about the backup" Andi said and paused.

"So what can you tell me about the Away Mission, I need as much information before I go ground side?" Andi asked.

"Once we locate the facility, and deal with any external threat, your Team will board, deal with hostile activity there, locate any remaining material - data or hardware - relating to the research the Romulans were conducting, and get out. I have a sneaking suspicion Command will want the place intact, for a more in-depth analysis of both the Romulan and Pirate activity."

Harding offered a PADD. "There is a written summary. Starkweather and Sarok will be going with you, to help identify the scientific and medical, I was hoping you could take a fully prepared Security escort, as we do not know their numbers onboard. Our Chief Engineer may be useful to crack their systems and any automated security."

She took the Padd and looked it over closely before she looked up at Harding "understood Captain, I will take four security officers, who will be issued hand Phasers as will all the team, or do you think we should take Phaser rifles too?" Lightfeather asked.

Harding considered the question. "Rifles and hand phasers for the security members - that includes yourself. Hand phasers for everyone else."

"Very well Captain, it shall be done, I hear we have a new Chief Engineer, I assume you have met them already! can you tell me a little about them before I go meet them in person?" Lightfeather asked.

Harding merely offered a smile. "Honestly, Commander... sometimes you have to experience something for yourself and trust me. Our Chief Engineer is quite an experience for the first time."

Looking at the Captain dubiously with a raised eyebrow "hmm, like that huh okay, well if there is nothing further I will go get that away team assembled" Lightfeather said standing up and pausing a moment to see if the Captain had anything further.

"By all means, Commander. Dismissed." Harding said with a smile.



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