The Good and the Bad
Posted on Sat Oct 15th, 2022 @ 6:12pm by Captain Temperance Harding & Lieutenant Xavon Starkweather & Lieutenant Scott Mitchell "Ghost"
Mission 2: Chasing Shadows
Location: USS Endurance | Sickbay
Timeline: Intermission
As Harding stood, watching for a few minutes, the monitor's above Mitchell's bed becam utter various bleeps and alerts. The Nurse moved closer and began a manual scan with her tricorder. "Doctor! He's regaining consciousness.'
Harding took a step closer, not wanting to get in anyone's way, but wanting to be there, when her chief pilot did wake up. She had a few choice words for him.
Scott's eyes started to open and close as they adjusted to the glaring light. The last thing he remembered was flipping his fighter nose over tail to line up a shot, but instead he was staring down the barrel of the enemy object. As his eyes fully adjusted to the light he recognized that he was in sickbay, which means he was not dead. As his gaze roamed around the room it came to fall onto the face of the Captain, and with the expression it held Scott may have wished he did die out there. "Well Cap, did I get it?"
Xavon had done a full 24 hour shift in sick bay, s cheof medical officer it fell to him to make sure all patient's safety and well being was top priority "Well good morning captain and good morning lieutenant Mitchell" he said bringing over his medical supplies and everything else he would need "Well you gave us quite the scare lieutenant, so far your vitals are reading somewhat normal but I'm going to need to run further tests to see if this nebula has altered any parts of your body" he said looking at his tricorder "Theres slightly elevated immune response which means your body is trying to fight off a foreign entity in the body somewhere" he said checking the tricorder against the vitals padd "Which means I'm going to need to give you a course of steriods,anti biotics and some vitamin supplements to help your body whilst I try and descern what is going on is that ok with you both?" he said pushing his glasses up his nose, waiting for a response.
Scott shot up, "Honestly, I think I'm good Doc," he mused before swinging his legs off the biobed and attempting to stand. Pain shot through his legs like a phaser beam straight to his feet causing him to wince and moan before falling back onto the bed. Looking down he noticed a rather large bruise on both his thighs, "I'm going to assume that the bruises are from the flight suit...How many Gs did I pull?"
Harding's glare at the man intensified as she watched his try to get out of bed. "Too many, Lieutenant." She muttered darkly. "You ever pull a bobe-headed stunt like that again, I'll have your wings faster than you can say Grounded. You are ordered to stay in Sickbay till the Doctor here says otherwise."
Xavon came closer as the chief pilot on board the endurance tried to stand "I highly suggest lieutenant Mitchell you remain on the bio bed" xavon returned sternly but not aggressively "The G's you pulled have dramatically damaged your body its a miracle your continuous at all" he said setting down the hypo spray full of paracetomol and codine "First off for the pain I'm going to adminster a hypospray of cocodamol about 16 milligrams of codine and 1000 milligrams of paracetamol" he said taking off the cap to the hypospray and placing it against liutennent mitchells arm, clicking the button he administered the medication "It should take a few minutes to work then after that I will talk about further treatment with you weather or not the captain wishes to stay to discuss that further is up to her, but Mr Mitchell its going to be long road I wont lie to you"
"How long?" Harding enquired, now concerned. She had a job in mind for the pilot.
Xavon looked to the captain "Im hoping it'll be inside of a few days if not a week at max" he said looking over mitchells vitals "Aslong as I am happy with progress his body is making he can leve when the first round of treatment ends and then come back for the second half if he so wishes"
Harding's nose wrinkled. "I have a very specific task I need Mitchell for in a few hours. How comfortable would you do signing him out..." Her gaze slid to the Lieutenant. "Providing he doesn't pull anymore hair-brained stunts."
Scott rolled his eyes before speaking, "First I saved Cub. Second...but did I die? Come on Cap you understand, we're fighter pilots. Hair-brained stunts are what we live for."
Harding's expression hardened just a fraction. "Don't talk me out of putting you on the Away Team, Lieutenant. If I was your CAG, you'd be grounded. As it is, I need a runabout pilot, and you're it."
Scott nodded, "Anything to get me out of here Captain."
She turned to Starkweather. 'Doctor? If the Lieutenant swears to stay out of trouble, how comfortable would you be releasing him in a couple.of hours?"
Xavon frowned a little but he perked up "Well at this stage as long as he stays out of trouble and doesn't pul any strenious G's I see no problems with letting him go" he moved off to his medications locker which was situated on the right side, he grabbed a hypo spray of paracetomol,codine and a relaxent "He will need to take these two hyposprays before getting in the runabout" he said placing them down on the table "You are dismissed lieutenant but as soon as the missions over I will need to do another physical to make sure your ok"