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Backpost: Welcome Aboard

Posted on Mon Sep 30th, 2024 @ 9:19pm by Lieutenant Zythao & Captain Temperance Harding

Mission: Lower Decks
Location: D Deck
Timeline: Before start of mission


The Turbolift doors opened on the Flight Pod’s A Deck. It was a design flaw, Harding mused, that only A Deck had turbolift access.

She located the nearest steep, narrow stairs, and proceeded down, one hand on the rail, her feet moving rapidly.

Down, around, down again. B Deck, C Deck, and again to D Deck. She was now at the bottom of the Pod. Harding made her way through to the Hangers, where the Wing’s craft were stored when not in use.

She shoved her hands into the pockets of her old flight jacket. She enjoyed wearing it when not on duty. It helped her feel more like what she was.

The fighters were grouped by Squadron, the deck markings telling her what's where. She followed the direction she needed, and found the craft for Third Squadron.

She saw the back of an Andorian female, going over her personal craft. “Lieutenant Zythao?”

The tall Andorian's antennae perked up when she heard her name called. She had been examining the readout of the diagnostic performed after her flight in. The landing was bumpier than it ought to have been and power consumption was higher than specs suggested it should be. It was her responsibility to follow any maintenance done, but the person calling her seemed important. Probably because it was the Captain.

Zythao swept some of her light purple hair out of her eyes, approached, and stood at attention. "Captain Harding."

Harding waved the woman to stand at ease. "Down here, we don't stand on formality." She gestured to the black leathger jacket she wore, with the embroidered name badge, pilot's wings, and call-sign. "I just wanted to drop by and say hi. I've heard about you through your husband."

The Andorian relaxed and smirked. "Hopefully not everything. I hope he hasn't been too much of a pain."

"A pain?" Harding had to chuckle. "By no means! He has fitted in well. As I hope will you." Her eyes slid over the craft behind the woman. "So this is a Perigrine. I've never seen one this close, they're gorgeous."

Zythao grinned and gently traced a finger along the nearest surface of her own craft, which had on the fuselage some art depicting an Andorian pin-up girl, five small icons (four matching and a fifth by itself), and the name Ice Queen. "They're fast and punch above their weight. Can't turn worth a damn but dodging fire is for chumps. This girl and I have been through a lot together." She faced the Captain and nodded. "The rest of the squadron arrived with me. They're getting settled as we speak."

Harding eyed the kill count, and nodded in approval. Five kills made a pilot an Ace. "I'm glad I was able to pull the Squadron on board. I was trying to get a broad utility, and when a squadron of Perigrine's was up for a transfer, I jumped at it."

"Captain Tenpenny wasn't happy to see us go," Zythao admitted. "But the Raal's mission profile was changing anyway. The squadron was going to go somewhere, and we're glad to support your mission. Besides, it'll be good to sleep in the same bed as my husband on a permanent basis," she added.

"Have you settled into the quarters well?" Harding enquired, following her topic change.

“Haven’t been there yet,” Zythao admitted. “Responsibilities to the new pilots. Ashev isn’t off duty yet anyway. I’ll be there before the end of alpha shift to surprise him.”

"You'll find them on Deck 7, when you're ready to head there." She hadn't memorised the exact cabin number, but Harding had looked up the deck. Her eyes wandered back to the fighter. "You're going to have to give me a check-ride sometime. I may not be flight qualified anymore, but I can still back-seat."

“Any time, Captain,” Zythao said. “I’d love to give a ride to someone who gets it. Ashev doesn’t appreciate the thrill.”

"It's an acquired taste." Harding agreed with a smile. "Anyway, I won't keep you. Welcome aboard again, Lieutenant."

“Thank you, Captain,” she said with a nod. She’s be finished soon, and then would be able to surprise the man she’d waited a long time to see….


Captain Temperance Harding
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Zythao
Third Squadron Leader


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