
Meeting the Boss

Posted on Tue Oct 1st, 2024 @ 12:16am by Lieutenant Commander Mal Paora Ko Noa Anar & Captain Temperance Harding

Mission: Lower Decks
Location: USS Endurance | Flight Deck Ops Centre


Senior Chief Petty Officer Ashok was a tall Andorian, who stood as the Command Chief for the Air Wing. He didn't fly, but he did manage all of the enlisted personnel. At present, he was on the observation balcony, overlooking the Flight Deck. The last of the new fighters was being loaded, brought in by tractor beam from a workbee, and set on the deck.

It was about time they got some upgrades, Ashok mused. The Vipers were fine, but they had been showing their age for some time. Now, the Air Wing had three full squadrons. One of Gryphons, one of Peregrine, and one of the newer Mark-II Nova Flyers. They had even been given half a dozen of the Arrowhead Runabouts for AWACS support.

The tractor beam was released, the workbee sped off, and one of Ashok’s people - a Petty Officer, Second Class - was already setting the clamps in place so the aircraft lift could take the Gryphon fighter down to the hanger.

The Senior Chief turned from the view, heading up the small staircase that would take him back into the Flight Traffic Control centre. Here, technicians were busy upgrading systems, installing new equipment, and generally getting in his people’s way. As if to add insult to that injury, they weren’t even shipboard technicians. Starbase personnel had been sent to complete the work.

The Andorian’s jaw was set in a way that showed his displeasure - at least to those who knew him. He moved through the banks of consoles into the CIC. The Combat Information Centre boasted a large table-sized display screen. At present, it showed a graphical representation of the Endurance in the center, an empty RADAR-like grid encompassed the ship, and a scrolling list provided current status conditions of the Air Wing’s craft.

Heading out of the CIC for the turbolift that would take him down to the Hangers, Ashok’s peripheral vision caught a figure as he passed the main briefing room. Pulling back, and walking in, he saw the back of someone looking over the plaques, awards, and decorations that covered the rear wall behind the podium. “Excuse me?” He didn’t recognise it as a member of his team, nor did it appear to be one of the pilots aboard. “May I help you?”

As the person turned around, the face sliced through Ashok’s memory, and he realised who this was. The Andorian came to attention immediately. “Commander, forgive me, I didn’t realise you were already aboard.”

The assignment of a new CAG had been the top gossip item, and somehow, no one had told the Senior Chief they had come aboard.

"You've been busy," Anar said, nodding his head in the direction of the flight deck. He knew many upgrades had been undertaken during Endurance's layover, including a near-total swap out of the unit's craft compliment, and was well-aware how much time and energy must have been involved. The fact that the command chief hadn't been there to greet him at the airlock (when his transport arrived a day-and-a-half early) had not offended him in the slightest.

"I trust everything is in order..."

"Aye, Commander." The Chief relaxed just a hair. "We've got the last of the birds being taken down now. The Plane Captains-" Petty Officers, who had a single fighter to manage the maintenance, ordinance, and general upkeep "-should all have their assigned craft. They'll look after them in the hanger. I know my team." His smile was thin, but it was there.

Anar nodded appreciatively at the senior chief's report. "Sounds like things are well-in-hand," he said, not that he was surprised. From what he knew of Ashok's record, this was pretty much par for the course. The man was said to run a pretty tight team (with a particular emphasis on making sure the details were done right). And, so far, he had not disappointed. But it was only the beginning. "Where are we on everyone's certifications?"

It was a somewhat common assumption, although quite erroneous, that one craft was the same as another, and that anyone with experience flying one could easily hop into whatever was put in front of them. The truth...was a lot more complicated. Even with the efforts put into standardizing equipment and interfaces, it would take time for each pilot (and technician) to familiarize themselves with the new compliment (to say nothing of actually becoming proficient).

Ashok considered the question for an infinity of seconds. "The Squadron CO's are cross-qualified on almost all of the craft." They would have needed the cross training in all Starfleet fighter craft to get the posting in the first place. "We have some new pilots coming in to fill open slots. They're certified on the new craft. For the rest, we have some Instructor pilots from Command, who'll be around to observe, and offer support for our first time out. The Nova Flyers are fairly new, even for the Squadron COs. That one will take the most time."

The Xahean nodded. "Sounds like that's our priority, then," he said.

"Agreed, Sir. I would recommend holoprograms set up for a safer familiarisation, then schedule some formation practice."

"Very good," Anar replied, "Let's get started on those right away." It was almost certain they wouldn't be finished when Endurance left the station. However, if they worked diligently, they'd be a lot closer by the time they arrived at their designated patrol...and that's what mattered. "Anything else I should be aware of?"

"I believe that covers everything, Sir." The Chief considered for a moment. "Anything you wanted, or needed?"

"No, that will be all, Senior Chief," Anar said, "Dismissed."

"Very well, Sir. I'll leave you to your business." With that, Ashock came to attention, and left the briefing room.


Lieutenant Commander Anar
Commander, Air Group

Senior Chief Petty Officer Ashock
Command Chief
-- NPC'd by Temerance Harding


