
Planning a Rescue

Posted on Sat Mar 1st, 2025 @ 11:29pm by Captain Temperance Harding & Commander Elias Maxwell & Lieutenant Commander Mal Paora Ko Noa Anar & Lieutenant Absinthe Harper

Mission: Mission 5: Lost, Stolen, or Missing?


The conference room bore the new table that had been brought aboard during the upgrades. Rectangular, seven foot wide, and twelve long. It could easily have seated sixteen.

In the centre of the table, three feet wide, and nine long, a black computer display served as visual aid when necessary. Harding led the party into the room, tapping a command to bring up a design schematic of an old K-class station.

“My main concern is how we get Nyx out, once we find Arkright Station.”

Max flicked his gaze from the new table, and it's display, to Harding. “You think they're keeping her there?”

“Less chance she can mess with Romulan systems, if she's on a station built by Federation engineers.” She was still trying to solidify the argument, but it seemed plausible.

“True.” The XO allowed. “I can see the reasoning. You got a plan?”

Harding nodded. “When we launch the fighters, I want an escort for the Avon-” she referred to one of the Danube-class Runabouts in the ship’s primary shuttlebay “-the Avon will enter the station’s shuttle bay at the base of the central tower. From there, an assault team will make their way upwards.”

From his seat at the table, Anar studied the visual before them. He recognized the old station design from ones he'd seen in historic records and elsewhere along the border region. And, at first glance, it didn't look like much. Compared to most modern starships (and even small craft), it was doubtful the facility could do a whole lot. Unfortunately, one could never assume. It was not uncommon in these parts for pirates, warlords, and other...less than savory take over an abandoned outpost and, if not overhaul it outright, then at least make sure no rival would be able to use it against them.

"We should be careful," he said, leaning forward slightly in his chair, "The kind of people willing to move into a station like this aren't going to take too kindly to anyone showing up on their doorstep. My crews can provide coverage, but if we get a surprise from the station or the nebula, things are going to change real quick."

"I know." Harding replied with a sigh. "Ms. Harper, how do you feel about assaulting the station from its shuttlebay?"

Absinthe perked up at the words. "Now you're talking my love language Captain," she said, a smile dancing on her lips. "What kind of assault are we talking? A few little bumps and bruises or the whole damn shebang?"

That made Harding stop cold. Exactly what level of force? On the one hand, they had kidnapped a Starfleet Officer. On the other... there was no delcared state of war. This was uncontrolled space. No government had jurisdiction. That meant she had to show restraint, command judgement. These were the moments that made a Captain.

Harding felt the heartbeats as she weighed the options. The room felt oppressively silent as the others waited for an answer. "Phasers on stun to start with. Lethal force only in self defence."

Max furrowed his brow in surprise. "Romulan weapons only have one setting." He reminded the Captain.

"Only in self defence." She repeated. "If you see a genuine, immediate threat to one of the rescue team, or Nyx, take a kill shot," That left another wrinkle. "As for prisoners.... not really enough room in the Runabout." Harding stared at the K-class layout, looking at the problem in her mind. "Leave their wounded, bring ours home."

Absinthe weighed the words for a few moments before nodding slightly. "Yes Captain," she finally acknowledged quietly. "As you wish."

It took some time, but the rest of the details were finalised over the course of the next half an hour. Satisfied with the rescue plan, Harding dismissed the meeting.



