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The Ongoing Mission...

Posted on Mon Nov 29th, 2021 @ 3:40am by Captain Temperance Harding & Captain Calliope Holbrook
Edited on on Sun Feb 13th, 2022 @ 12:29pm

Mission: Shoreleave
Location: Starbase 48, Deck 12


"9.93?" Captain Calliope Holbrook looked up from the PADD in her hand and raised an eyebrow. Chief of Staff to the Admiral, she handled a lot of the administrative duties, doubly so when the Admiral was indisposed with a Command conference meeting.

Temperance shifted in her seat, a little uncomfortable with the look she was getting. Sure, this woman out-ranked her, and yes, she was the Admiral's principle assistant, but surely, surely the Station's XO at least should be the one ripping her apart?

"Lives were at stake. Not just the freighter, every colonist depending on that cargo. I--" Temperance's words were cut short as the Captain raised a hand.

"I am not criticising you, Temperance. I am kind of impressed. Pushing a Starship beyond it's emergency maximum. Your engineer should be commended."

That last caused a muscle to twitch on Temperance's cheek. "My engineer pyt in for immediate transfer the second we docked. Wasn't thrilled with how I pushed the ship that far."

"Our own chief had a few choice words." Holbrook raised another PADD. "Microfractures across the EPS grid. Complete over-haul of, and stress-test of, the Plasma injection manifolds, dilithium chamber re-calibration... you're estimated to be here a week or two, minimum, Commander."

Temperance held back the wince. She had barely gotten out of Drydock, now she was relegated back there, along with her ship. A few weeks though would allow her time to fill out the roster again. "Aye, Captain. Any news on the folks we dropped off?"

Calliope leaned back in her chair, a a smile playing across her face. "The pirates? We've had Intel going at them. Not with the Orion's, the Cardy's don't work with mercenaries. The Romulans are out of that business for now. The Klingon's wouldn't stoop to that level." She listed all the usual suspects, and ticked them off one by one.

"We got something new, Commander. Something we haven't accounted for. Something that is causing a great deal of hassle. I want you to get your ship, and crew, up to Operational strength. You're going hunting. Your orders from the Admiral are to find whoever is behind these attacks. We'll have everything forwarded to you."

Temperance sat for a moment, stunned. "What about other fleet assets?"

Calliope shook her head. "Independent mission. No back-up, no support. That's why we're sending you. You got an Air Group. You can respond, act, and fight. Command needs to know who the hell is fucking with our supply lines, and why."

Temperance gave a nod. Quite a broad remit to be given. She;d need to consider how best to start planning such a mission. "Aye, aye. Anything else?"

"That's it from me, Commander. Good luck out there."

Temperance rose from her seat, came to attention, and headed out the door.


Temperance Harding

CAPT Calliope Holbrook
Chief of Staff
Starbase 48


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