And so it happened
Posted on Mon Nov 29th, 2021 @ 3:33am by Captain Temperance Harding & Lieutenant Commander Andromeda Lightfeather & Lieutenant Scott Mitchell "Ghost"
Mission 1: Distressed Cargo
Location: Various
Timeline: Current
After having secured the surrounding airspace the fighters returned to the shuttlebay and now Commander Lightfeather had her mission, so with her Away Team she beamed over to the SS Liberte, they boarded the freighter unopposed, but the moment they left their beam in site they were attacked by some hostile ground forces, it was a fierce firefight, but eventually, her team managed to take out the enemy, those that were injured had their wounds attended to and tied up, they could do nothing for the dead.
There were no further hostiles, well not until they reached Engineering, but they were few in number and were dispatched easily, with engineering secured the medics on the team tended to any wounded crew. Andi looked at her team "okay people when we divert control from the bridge to engineering if there are any hostiles on the bridge they are going to know and likely come swarming down here. Hopefully there are not many left" she said and all nodded in acknowledgement as Lightfeather switched over control from the bridge to engineering. She re-routed the controls to a station in main engineering.
Suddenly the ship's communications came to life =/\= Straal, what is going on down there, why have you diverted control to engineering? =/\= the voice asked.
Anndi looked at her team "that must be the leader" she commented and pressed the transmission button as she looked down at the body with a hole in his chest =/\= Oh was that his name! I am afraid he cannot come to the comms right now on the account of a large hole in his chest, oh and I have Engineering =/\= Lightfeather responded.
=/\= Who is this? =/\= the leader asked anger evident clearly in his voice.
=/\= Lieutenant Commander Andromeda Lightfeather USS Endurance, your fighter screen has been neutralized as has your transport, so you have nowhere to go and it is time for sleep for you, Lightfeather out =/\= she could hear sputtering as she closed off the link and tapped a few buttons which flooded the whole freighter except engineering with knockout gas. She looked at one of the crew.
"How many of your crew on the bridge?" She asked.
"Six Commander with a small number spread throughout the ship" he answered Andi nodded.
"One-hundred per cent exposure all sentient have been rendered unconscious except for main engineering" the ship's computer announced.
Inputting a few codes into the ship's computer the knockout gas was sucked out of the ship, she looked at the engineer "are there any animal or other lifeforms besides us the ships crew and the invaders?" She asked.
"None, we have non-perishables" the engineer answered.
"Okay, thank you," Lightfeather said as the engineers she had with her assisted in getting the freighter back up and running while the medics went through the ship waking up the ship's crew, it was half hour before they returned and nodded all was done.
She tapped her Commbadge =/\= Lightfeather to the transporter room, please transport all biosignatures that are not part of the ships crew and the Away team to the brig and the dead to medical, energize when ready =/\= she said and watched as the hostiles were beamed out, sighing heavily she tapped her Commbadge.
=/\= Lightfeather to Captain =/\=
"Go ahead, Commander." Harding's voice called out.
=/\= Freighter is secure, some enemy dead, but just under half are still in the land of the living, I have had the living beamed over to the ship's brig while the dead to Medical, I am currently squaring things off with the Freighters Captain, then I will be returning to the Endurance, what is it like out there now Captain, any further intrusions? =/\= Lightfeather asked.
"Nothing on sensors.... yet. I want to get us, and the freighter, back to the proper patrolled cargo lanes ASAP. Please let their captain know we are happy to run escort until we are back in friendly space."
=/\= Affirmative Captain, Lightfeather out =/\= Andi finished and turned back to the Freighter Captain "Captain Tremaine I do not know if you overheard that, but we will escort you back to the safe cargo transit lanes" Andi said.
The freighter Captain looks at the Lieutenant Commander oO she is attractive for a Human Oo Tremaine thought to himself, but hid his thoughts and buried them deep. "yes I heard and I think you Commander, please also extend my thanks to your Captain" he said.
Andi smiled "I will, those pirates will face trial and imprisonment, sorry on the loss of some of your crew," Andi said Tremaine nodded "well, I shall leave you to ready your crew, we depart this area in ten minutes, that okay for you Captain Tremaine?" Andi asked.
"It is, thank you, Lieutenant Commander, safe journey to you," he said.
With a nod to the Captain "okay you guys let's gather up so we can return to our ship" she said to her Away Team who gathered around her and formed up in an orderly fashion, she looked at the Captain and smiled as she tapped her Commbadge.
=/\= Away Team to Endurance, eight to beam back, energize when ready =/\= she said and a few moments later she felt the effects of the transporter claim her and the freighters gravity vanished there was a split second of nothing then she and her team were re-materializing in the Endurance's transporter room when she could feel the ship's gravity the transporter deactivated and she stepped down and walked over to the transporter chiefs console and tapped the communication button.
=/\= Lightfeather to Captain, Away Team is back on the ship all accounted for, I have given the freighter Captain who agreed to move out in ten minutes =/\= Lightfeather said.
==USS Endurance Bridge==
Temperance glanced back as the Turbolift doors opened, permitting Lieutenant Mitchell onto the Bridge. "Very good, Commander." She signed off the comm channel. Waving the lieutenant towards the currently vacant helm. "Mister Mitchell lay in a course back to the standard cargo lanes, and co-ordinate with the freighter. Prep for Warp 5."
Scott nodded and moved to take the station. He had never piloted something as big and the Endurance but the principles were the same, especially with modern computer processing. His fingers flew across the control panel as if it was second nature, which at this point in time it had grown to become just that, as he imputed the coordinates and relayed those over to the Liberte. After receiving confirmation from the freighter, Scott initiated the jump to warp. Spinning around in his chair Scott looked in Harding's direction, "Course laid in and we've made the jump to warp Commander."
Having cleaned up Andi returned to the bridge, "that was some gory stuff that went on over on the ship Captain, but our prisoners are tucked up in their cosy cells, their leader is making a commotion but otherwise, all is copacetic" Lightfeather said as she took her place to the right of the Captain.
From her seat "so Mr Mitchell how you finding flying a big ship like the Nebula class?" she asked knowing full well that a Nebula class, was not a fighter it was not and the pilot would have to make changes a little earlier than what they would normally do in a fighter.
Scott turned to look at the Commander, "She's a little sluggish for my taste ma'am. I'm used to flying on instinct not having to play chess with the craft and think three moves ahead."
"Think of it as on the job security and practice Lieutenant, any of us could fly this ship, but even a ship as big as this needs fast reflexes on occasion" She responded to Mitchell.
Scott smiled in response, "That it does Commander, that it does."
Harding was lost in thought as she watched the elongated stars slide past on the viewscreen. It was not how she wanted their first mission to end. The PADD in her handheld a report from the Chief Engineer, and it was not pretty. She had pushed the ship past its maximum warp, and for what? They still hadn't arrived in time to prevent the attack. At least with the prisoners, they could maybe get some answers. "XO, make sure all security teams are made aware. I don't want anyone questioning those people in the brig. We'll hand them over to Security and Intelligence at the Starbase."
Looking at Harding "understood Captain" Andi responded and tapped something into the small console to her right and signed off on it. "Okay official orders have been sent down to security under high alert, so the Security Chief will get to see it as it will make an awful sound as it pings a notification" she added with a smile.