Re-Evaluating the Plan
Posted on Sun Jun 26th, 2022 @ 12:39pm by Captain Temperance Harding & Lieutenant Commander Andromeda Lightfeather & Lieutenant Absinthe Harper
Edited on on Sun Jun 26th, 2022 @ 12:40pm
Mission 2: Chasing Shadows
Location: USS Endurance | Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Intermission
OOC: I figure we can just start with the conversation, and skip the preliminary things
Harding was sitting at her desk, looking over the sensor data. "They don't seem to actively hunt." She pondered aloud. "They only attacked when Cub went in for a closer look at one. Defensive measures, do you think?"
After the events in the nebula, Andi was thinking that very same thing as she joined the Captain in her Ready Room and as she gave it a moment of thought to what the Captain said.
"Hmm, unknown it is known however that most species will attack anything they deem hostile to their area of space or realm, the fact that they did not follow us out or are attacking us confirms that we blundered into a reclusive species who had a novel way, a non-lethal way to get us out of that nebula. This tells me that they are not blood-thirsty they just like their privacy and we unknowingly intruded, will further repercussions come from this one cannot say, but I have learned to expect the unexpected Captain" Andi finished.
"I don't think this is a species, per se.2 Harding answered, a slight frown furrowing her brow, as she looked over the data. "Intel says this is a ... collection of individuals from across the Quadrants. Pirates, by their nature, tend to only attack when they are sure of a victory or have no choice."
"A band of Pirates from different species, I wonder how Pirate Vulcan and Romulan's cope with each other, or Klingon and Cardassians! Knowing this changes the dynamic of what is in that Nebula" Andi said and fell silent contemplating the latest information.
Harding's finger traced over the map, tapping part is it, contemplatively. "Hmm. I wonder if a Runabout would make it through. Our sensors were being scattered by the Nebula. I suspect that is why they had these... Probes, to offer information on what pokes around the Nebula. If we can use the Endurance to distract them, a Runabout with the Away Team on board could approach their station unnoticed."
"Why not a Security probe Captain? It can be equipped with sensors and communications and a sensor scatter can be installed making it invisible to all but eyeball inspection, and it need not last long, only enough time to send us back information. Using a probe in this manner negates putting our crew at risk unless we have to and to me not putting the crew at risk is an admirable goal" Andi said in response to what the Captain said "then we send in another probe to scramble and distract them while an insertion team goes in, it would need to be a shuttle smaller than a runabout" she added.
"Our Operational needs to require a 10-person Away Team, we'll see how small we can go on the shuttle. I am not fond of the idea of repeated probes. They have shown we need to be more cautious, though we swing too far in the opposite direction, they may scurry out the other side of the Nebula.'
Harding drew a finger in an arc from the Endurance, around the gas cloud. "Launch a recon probe, to survey the perimeter. It would tell us if they try to escape."
She was about to comment further when the intercom sounded. "Captain. Starfleet shuttle on sensors. Identifying as transport from Renavi."
Harding let out a relieved sound. "Our new Chief of Security." She answered the comm. "Very good Ensign. Tell them they are cleared to come aboard. I'd like the Lieutenant to report to my Ready Room ASAP."
"Forewarned is forearmed Captain, a probe to be used in such a fashion is a good idea," Lightfeather said as the tone of the communications sounded, she fell silent and allowed the Captain to respond.
"Bridge to Lieutenant Harper, we're five minutes out from the Endurance and Captain Harding has requested that you transport directly to her ready room. Your personal possessions will be transported to the cargo hold for the Endurance Operations team to take care of."
Abby had been laying on her back in the small bunk, breathing heavily, a satisfied expression on her face when the comm call came through. "Wait!" she exclaimed, falling out of bed and reaching blindly for clothing. "I need more time!"
"Damn it, where's my commbadge, they aren't responding... hell, where are my clothes! Jesus, don't just lay there jackass, get out of bed and help me!" Her voice rose as she scrambled for items that it seemed had been spread rather impressively across quarters that just a matter of hours ago had seemed entirely too small yet now seemed as cavernous as the Grand Canyon.
"Lieutenant Harper, stand by for transport!" The final call came through, making it clear that she wasn't going to find everything she needed in time. "Wait!" she shouted pointlessly. Reaching forward, she grabbed a sheet from the bed and pulled it around her body just as the beam of the transporter consumed her.
Moments later Abby found herself standing in the ready room of Captain Harding, a sheet wrapped tightly around her body, a single black boot and a red lace bra held in one hand. Fixing a smile on her face, she gave a nod to the Commanding Officer as she tried to discreetly adjust the sheet. "Lieutenant Absinthe Harper reporting for duty. You requested my immediate presence, Ma'am?"
Harding's eyes nearly bugged out. Not so much at the immediate appearance of the woman - a novel interpretation of 'ASAP' - more at the... state of her arrival. Harding's jaw worked for a few seconds, though no words came out.
Andi stifled a laugh "I think the Captain would have allowed you to dress before beaming in Lieutenant" Andi said standing up with a smile as she walked over to the replicator. "Computer one standard-sized medical overcoat," she said and the item appeared in the replicator "replicators, even food ones can replicate basic items and an overcoat like a doctor one it can do" she added handing the item to the Lieutenant.
With a friendly smile "cover thy nakedness Lieutenant" after a pause "Lieutenant Commander Andromeda Lightfeather First Officer, welcome to the Endurance Lieutenant" she added.
"Really?" Absinthe responded, her voice dripping with thinly veiled sarcasm. "Now who would have ever known something as oddly bizarre as that?" Taking the medical coat, she held it out between a thumb and forefinger for a moment, eyeing it with contempt before sighing heavily. "Well, I guess beggars can't be choosers can we." She dropped the sheet unceremoniously, allowing it to pool around her bare feet before pulling the medical coat on. Even the 'standard size' appeared rather large on her, the white cloth almost engulfing her small frame. "Now that my nakedness is covered," she slid into a seat and crossed her legs neatly. "Captain, would you care to bring me up to speed?"
From behind the Lieutenant, Andi had to hide her smile and stifle a laugh, this new officer was full of herself, opinionated and had a chip on her shoulder the size of Kronos, but Andi liked her and knew things would no longer be dull again, she had turned away from the Captain until she managed to get control of her emotions when she felt confident she returned to her seat and remained quiet while the Captain brought the new officer up to speed.
Harding had to smile to herself as she watched the XO and this new officer interact. Her new Security Chief was certainly going to be interesting, and she was looking forward to it. "IN short, Lieutenant, we are going after pirates." Harding indicated the Nebula. "Intel reports suggest they are holed up at a facility here. Reports also suggest the facility is formerly a Romulan research station - yes, inside Federation Space. Command will have a collective aneurysm over that one."
"Our plan is a fairly straightforward one. A team will breach, and secure the facility. Crack their computers, and secure any research material left, as well as make sure the pirates are under lock and key." Harding swiped the screen, and a scrolling list came up. "The Away Team will consist of the Commander, yourself, Commander Valentine, Lieutenant Sarok, and Lieutenant Starkweather - Chief Engineer, Chief Science Officer, and Chief Medical Officer respectively. In addition, Chief Kelly will be joining the team, and a Security contingent of four will total ten people."
"The team will go via Runabout - large enough for the team, and to bring back material after the mission is complete. You will launch into the Nebula during a distraction, while the Pirates are entirely focused on the Endurance. Any questions?"
Now fully composed "What of the prisoner's Captain? I mean sure the runabout will fit ten of us, but that station will have too many Rats for us to bring them back via runabout and we know it is dangerous to take the Endurance in there, so another question is, how are we going to bring out all those prisoners we capture?" Lightfeather asked.
"How many prisoners are you planning to capture?" Abby asked as she raised an eyebrow. Standing up, she walked across to the replicator and ordered herself a coffee before turning back to Temperance. "I don't suppose you have anything stronger, do you? You know, Irish it up a bit?"
Without waiting for an answer "I mean, it's not exactly as if a runabout is spacious in the first place. If we're taking a team of ten we're pretty much at standing room only for the first leg. It seems logical that if we were to be wanting to take prisoners, we either need a bigger craft or we need to cherry-pick our hostages, find those that give the best bang... for a buck I mean," she qualified.
Harding couldn't hold back a grin. She liked this woman. A Security Chief who was willing to offer a professional opinion. "I believe the Runabouts have a max capacity of 16. That gives you a lee-way of six people. Your rules of engagement are simple: use appropriate force if fired upon."
"Maximum capacity is just like appropriate force, something that is completely open to interpretation, and I like those terms," Abby said with a grin. "Now, is there anything else I need to be aware of? Or can I go get some real clothes on? This... whatever it is..." she said motioning to the medical jacket she was wearing. "Is really making my skin itch."
Having been out of Security for some time Andi found Haper's observations and opinions interesting "cherry-picking the prisoners would be the better option, so Lieutenant Harper why not we get there we grab the station Commander and their Chief of Security or Engineering, perhaps all three! Then we bring them back here and question them?" Lightfeather suggested to Lieutenant Harper.
"That is assuming they have anything like a formal structure," Harding interjected. "Most criminals of this sort tend not to stay behind while their people get away. Often, they are the first to run like rats."
"I've seen the type before, I've had experience at spotting them, I know how to find what I need Captain," Abby said calmly. "And, when it's all said and done, if I need more space in the shuttlecraft, I'll just leave your XO over there. Fairtrade... The needs of the many and all that."
Giving Harper a look of daggers "you know Lieutenant Harper anymore cracks like that and I will put you on menial tasks myself, I will share a joke with anyone, but off-handed comments like that even meant in jest are not appreciated and I would ask you to remember your place on this ship" Lightfeather said giving a sardonic smile, the room had just cooled a few degrees.
Abby stared at the XO incredulously for a long moment, completely astounded by the sheer egotism that came with the comment. "Excuse me?" she asked, turning so she could face Andi more directly. "First of all you talk down to me like I'm some kind of incompetent, idiot child, and then you threaten me over a joke?" She shook her head, twisting back to face the Captain again. "With your permission Captain, I'd like to depart before I say something I may actually regret at this point." There was a caustic and acerbic tone to her voice, her eyes flashing darkly with anger.
"Dismissed," Harding responded to the new officer.
Standing up quietly, Abby nodded to her commanding officer. "Thank you, Captain," she said quietly before turning on her bare heel and walking out the door, still carrying the few belongings she had transported in with.
The Captain's eyes watched the Lieutenant leave before boring in on her XO. "What the hell was that?" She raised a hand to stop an actual answer. "You're meant to be a highly experienced command officer. "You went into Command training 7 years ago and got assigned as an XO that same year. Yet seem to think you can threaten someone with punishment on your own head, in my Ready Room? The next time you talk like that in this room, you had bloody well better have your bags packed first. Dismissed."
Looking at the Captain and in a calm tone "she said something insulting and I had every right to be offended, I could have been a bit more diplomatic, but should you not also mention something to the Lieutenant about careless words?" She asked.
Harding raised an eyebrow at the woman, not quite sure how to respond to being told what she 'should' do on her own damn ship. Choosing to stay silent, Harding waited.
"I was wrong I admit that and will apologise to her, and I overreacted but she should at least have a warning from you Captain, she cannot be cheeky, but nothing is going to be the same again Captain," Lightfeather said inwardly sighing this new Captain was taking to command like a fish to water, so why was she having trouble adjusting to her First Officer duties, it was bound to happen eventually an officer would come aboard that would get under her skin.
But for some reason the joke Harper did, might have been in bad taste it did not really deserve such a reaction from Andi, she had to wonder why she took such an offence with a final nod, Lightfeather left the CRR and returned to the bridge, she was furious with herself for what she said in the CRR, the Captain and especially Harper.