Into the Stronghold, Part II
Posted on Fri Dec 2nd, 2022 @ 12:28pm by Chief Petty Officer Charlton Kelly & Lieutenant Commander Andromeda Lightfeather & Lieutenant Commander Nyx Valentine & Lieutenant Xavon Starkweather & Lieutenant Scott Mitchell "Ghost"
Mission: Mission 2: Chasing Shadows
Previously on the Endurance…
Looking at Valentine in surprise at the squeal of delight, she looked over and saw the Chief engineer yank out the console "in the name of the ancestors all we really needed was a simple download *sighs* oh well, okay people form up around Commander Valentine, if you are fired upon you are authorised to return fire" Lightfeather said and looked at Valentine "Commander switch you to hand Phaser, you cannot fire a rifle and carry that hunk of console" she added looking at Nyx as she took the lead and opened the door.
"Okay, let's move" Lightfeather instructed and led the team out of the lab and into the corridor and made for Operations.
Eventually, Andi's team arrived outside the Operations Centre, a well-defended area, Andi pulled out her tricorder and scanned the room, "hmm, six hostiles, okay anyone have other ideas that do not involve a full frontal assault?" She asked those that were there as both teams had since met up.
Nyx shrugged, having rigged up a sling on the move for the console so she could hold the rifle again, even if it were a bit awkward, "Vent their atmosphere? Not sure where to do it from or how long it would take, though."
Xavon pondered the question "Well we could use the shaft system to get the drop of them commander by the sounds of things they aren't too bright" he said as he checked his own tricorder for anything else.
"Hmm, one or two of us could do that, some would have to remain here to watch over Commander Valentine and that console she is dragging around like a key chain," Lightfeather said with a smile.
"I and my good luck talisman can take rear guard if you'd like?" Nyx giggled and winked at the Exec, "Connie does assure me that if anything comes up from behind, we can handle it. I'm not totally helpless, I promise."
Scott looked around before responding, "I, personally, would volunteer to be one of the ones to use the shafts. I hate standing in one place."
"Excellent, Lieutenant Mitchell will be one, who will be the other?" Lightfeather asked looking around where they were taking cover as the defenders began to fire at them through make-shift firing holes in the inner wall.
"I'd go if I could, or if someone wants to haul this thing around." Nyx made the offer half-heartedly but was ready to take her up on the potential situation. She wasn't faint of heart, that was for sure.
Chief Kelly came around the corner at a run. He looked almost panicked as he came to a stop by the group. "We gotta Evac, right the hell now! The station's central core is under a communications blackout, and they've rigged the place to blow. Harper's securing the entry site. According to our Intel, we will be able to contact the Runabout for transport from the outer areas, but here? Comms are dead. We've got to move. Now!"
Looking at Kelly with a raised eyebrow "interesting, well it will save sending Mitchell and another into the vents to get behind those in that room "Lightfeather said pointing to the room they were stuck outside of "It has not been a total loss Commander Valentine has a nice souvenir key ring, okay people lets hustle, retreat back watch you don't get shot while retreating, Leader the way Mr Kelly" Lightfeather added.
Nyx snorted at the re-mention of the console she carried as a keyring but had focused on her commbadge. She'd tried activating it in an attempt to make a comm call, but while the audible cue did signify that it was transmitting, it was clear that there was no one receiving, or at least not acknowledging receipt. She slung the rifle back across her body, plucking her commbadge off her chest as she moved in the middle of the pack and used a manicured nail to open the small access port to the inside. A tricorder later and she was deciphering the results, "We're being jammed." She pronounced, "Centrally located source, because it's getting weaker as we move towards the outer hull. I figure we can punch a signal out about the time we reach it... Maybe."
Scott chuckled as he returned the way the team had come from, "Commander, I make a living off of 'maybe.' If there is a way to get me off this station and back into a cockpit I'll find it."
As the team began to move off, Kelly held the rear, his weapon scanning the corridor behind them. He had plenty of experience at walking backwards, and this played into his career before command had decided to clip his tail.
As the team walked around the corner, they came to the turbo lifts and entered, Andi had the lift take them to the Cargo Bay they entered from. A few moments later all exited the lift "I am so glad that lift was not rigged" Andi said, then all of a sudden the thing plummeted from the floor they were on Lightfeather looking surprised "okay, close call, now let's get us all out of this place" she said.
Kelly once again took the rear as the team continued to progress through the station. He tapped his commbadge, the impulse too strong to resist. "Kelly to Harper."
The signal was scratchy and garbled. Yet it was a signal. They were getting there. "Almost out of this damn blackout field."
"Okay, quickly and quietly," Lightfeather said as she led them out of the area "Mr Kelly when we are clear of the jamming signal the Runabout to beam us back," she said.
Seconds stretched into minutes. It felt like an eternity as the team walked through the corridors. Kelly could feel his heart beating in his ears. Every nerve ending was on edge, every muscle tense as he listened for the smallest noise.
The large double doors of the lower cargo bay came into view. The hydraulics sounded like a deafening crash as they parted, admitting the team into their LZ. He looked around for a moment. Harper was not immediately visible. "It's a clear day." He said, remembering an old code phrase from his previous service. "Beautiful weather for a walk."
The Lieutenant emerged, and Kelly breathed easier. Now for the fun part. "Runabout 'Avon'," he said, tapping his commbadge. "Six to Transport."
After a number of heartbeats, nothing happened. Kelly wondered just how screwed they were when finally the tell-tale feeling of the transporter took hold.
Onboard the Runabout, Kelly looked to Mitchell. "Sir, would you kindly get us the hell out of this Nebula?"
Scott immediately jumped into the pilot's seat as soon as he had rematerialized onboard the runabout and began to instantly bring the systems back online. "With pleaser Chief, hope everyone is strapped in," he remarked without waiting for a response as he jolted the craft to full impulse.
The moment Andi materialized behind Mitchell she heard his comment and strapped in "Okay, why do I have a feeling this is going to be a bumpy ride!" Lightfeather exclaimed as she swallowed hard.
Nyx barely had time to unsling and secure the severed console before the ship just moved from under her and she took a bit of a tumble, ending up in a rather undignified position after hitting the rear bulkhead. "Pilots... At least set the inertial dampeners to full first?" She grumbled to herself as she picked herself up and made her way to one of the seats.
Kelly was already at one of the stations, monitoring sensors. "Oh shit." He muttered, seeing the readings. "Brace!" He barely had time to utter a warning as the runabout lurched, buffeted by the expanding wave as the station's core detonated. "Anyone hurt?" The Chief inquired, helping the Engineer back to her feet. "All right, Lieutenant. That should have hopefully taken care of command and control for those bloody satelites they had around here. Get us home."
It took time, but finally, the endless cloud of the Nebula began to dissipate, and the majestic sight of the Endurance was there. "Home sweet home." Kelly muttered, glad to be done with this mission.