Debriefing and New Orders
Posted on Wed Dec 7th, 2022 @ 5:03pm by Lieutenant Commander Andromeda Lightfeather & Captain Temperance Harding
Mission 2: Chasing Shadows
Location: USS Endurance
As the Runabout 'Avon' came to land on the non-skid deck plating of the shuttle bay, the doors opened, and the away team exited.
"Welcome home." The announcement came.over the shuttle bay speaker. "Commander Lightfeather, the Captain has asked that you join her in the Ready Room."
"Acknowledged Computer," Andi said, "well I have to notify the Captain at some point that I requested and was granted a reassignment back to earth, I hope she will be okay going solo for some time!" Andi said to herself as she left the shuttle bay and entered the nearest turbo lift "Bridge" she said when the doors closed.
After a short ride, she exited onto the bridge, turned left, and pressed the buzzer.
Harding looked up from her work. "Come." She called out, setting the current PADD aside.
With that Andi entered and looked at the Captain "I am glad you asked to see me, Captain, I have some news I have been meaning to speak to you about and now we are back from the mission I have the time" Lightfeather said as she entered into the room far enough to get out of the door sensor range.
Harding raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Take a seat, Commander." She waved the woman into the chair opposite, "Before we get into that, though, I have some news." Harding handed over a PADD. "This came in as Flash traffic, encoded Eyes-Only." Eyes Only really only meant it bypassed the comms officer. What Harding did with it after that was at her discretion.
"Yourself and our Doctor are to transfer ASAP, taking a Runabout to the Renavi System, for transport from there."
As she took the seat "well that is a fortunate turn of events, before the mission we just finished I put in a request for transfer back to earth, after a few failed attempts at being a First Officer, I find that it is not for me, so I will be changing back to Operations upon arrival and catching up on the latest security protocols. This came in light of the fact that I was not doing my job and I figured might as well transfer back to Security and away from the command track" she paused.
"So before the mission, we just finished I sent a request for an assignment back to earth and it was granted just as I was assigned to lead an away team, so this is the first chance I had to bring you up to speed," Lightfeather said
"That would explain the immediate action order," Harding noted with a small sigh. "Though what Command wants with our doctor is entirely a mystery." She paused for a moment, looking out the window. "I'm sure we can get buy without an Exec until we get back to Starbase."
"Well I put the request in, and I got a quick response, it was logical that Starfleet would notify you about it, after all, next to the Ferengi Alliance, the Federation has one of the biggest Administration bases out there. As for going without an XO, for a short time, it works, but I have observed ship and Starbase Commanders who go too long without one eventually end up burning out, I would advise you to avoid that eventuality Captain last place you want to end up in rehabilitation and recovery from overwork and stress, just what I have read and observed now" Andi said and fell silent.
Harding nodded. "Aye, well, not much one can do until Command issues further instructions. Currently, our orders are to maintain station keeping, so we'll just have to see what comes next."
Moving on, she handed over another PADD. "I took the liberty of updating your service review report, and a few notes of commendation for your leadership abilities. I believe that should cover everything. Is there anything else, Commander?"
"Only one Captain you mentioned Starkweather, I have no idea what his plans are, mine will be to spend my time with my father a Tribal Chieftain before reporting to Starfleet Operations to change back to security and then retrain for it, after that probably another posting somewhere, or I might remain on earth for a bit, but nothing further Captain, as all is squared with Starfleet and now you, I will be leaving in the morning on that shuttle that is waiting for me," Lightfeather said.
"Very well." Harding gave the woman a smile. "I am sorry to be losing, you Commander. Dismissed."
Standing up "Thank you, Captain," Lightfeather said and as she reached the door and they opened before her she turned back and looked at Harding.
"I have a Proverb for you Captain it is of my people the Cherokee," she said and briefly paused and with a friendly smile "May the Great Spirit's blessings always be with you."
Then not giving the Captain a chance to react she was gone, one duty over and another about to begin back on earth, again she wondered how her future would turn out.