Welcome to the U.S.S. Endurance!

"Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts." -- Winston Churchill

The year is 2396. The Dominion War is a memory. Peace is clawing its way back to the civilizations of the Galaxy. Starfleet, and the Federation, return to an ideal of exploration, protection, and co-existence. That ideal is all too tenuous, and many have a vested interest in seeing it shattered.

The USS Endurance, a Nebula-class starship has been given a new Commanding Officer, Captain Temperance Harding. The ship, and crew, have their orders: ensure the safety of all, protect Federation citizens and property. Most of all: Hold the line against the encroaching chaos.

The future is never pre-written. It can only be forged, one step at a time. One choice after another. Can the crew hold to their ships name, and endure the challenges ahead? Time will tell.

Join in the adventures. Test yourself against the future.
Prove your worth to a hostile universe.

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Latest Mission Posts

» Planning a Rescue

Mission: Mission 5: Lost, Stolen, or Missing?
Posted on Sat Mar 1st, 2025 @ 11:29pm by Captain Temperance Harding & Commander Elias Maxwell & Lieutenant Commander Mal Paora Ko Noa Anar & Lieutenant Absinthe Harper


The conference room bore the new table that had been brought aboard during the upgrades. Rectangular, seven foot wide, and twelve long. It could easily have seated sixteen.

In the centre of the table, three feet wide, and nine long, a black computer display served as visual aid when…

» Stopped by Gas

Mission: Mission 5: Lost, Stolen, or Missing?
Posted on Sat Mar 1st, 2025 @ 11:24pm by Captain Temperance Harding & Commander Elias Maxwell & Ensign Bart Ramsey & Lieutenant Commander Mal Paora Ko Noa Anar & Lieutenant Absinthe Harper & Lieutenant Ashev & Ensign Jacqueline Brown & Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Jasmine Evalli


“Captain’s Log, Supplemental.

“Engineering has managed to isolate the course heading of an unknown ion signature. We are proceeding at Warp 8 in an effort to try and locate the vessel.

One major obstacle stands in our way, however: the dense, sensor-inhibiting nature of the Kite Nebula.”



» Meeting the Boss

Mission: Lower Decks
Posted on Tue Oct 1st, 2024 @ 12:16am by Lieutenant Commander Mal Paora Ko Noa Anar & Captain Temperance Harding


Senior Chief Petty Officer Ashok was a tall Andorian, who stood as the Command Chief for the Air Wing. He didn't fly, but he did manage all of the enlisted personnel. At present, he was on the observation balcony, overlooking the Flight Deck. The last of the new fighters…

» Backpost: Welcome Aboard

Mission: Lower Decks
Posted on Mon Sep 30th, 2024 @ 9:19pm by Lieutenant Zythao & Captain Temperance Harding


The Turbolift doors opened on the Flight Pod’s A Deck. It was a design flaw, Harding mused, that only A Deck had turbolift access.

She located the nearest steep, narrow stairs, and proceeded down, one hand on the rail, her feet moving rapidly.

Down, around, down again. B Deck,…

» And Hating It Even More

Mission: Mission 5: Lost, Stolen, or Missing?
Posted on Mon Sep 30th, 2024 @ 5:48pm by Lieutenant Commander Nyx Valentine & Commander Sirona Varshaan


Nyx had been there for forty-five minutes and counting, if she were correct, but had no intention of moving off of the floor where she'd plopped herself, despite it just adding to the discomfort of her situation. No cloth had been forthcoming and a good portion of her time…