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Medical exam

Posted on Thu Jul 1st, 2021 @ 12:46am by Lieutenant Commander Hope Ross MD & Lieutenant Rey Watson
Edited on on Sun Jul 18th, 2021 @ 1:48am

Mission: Mission 0: Have Wings, Will Fly
Location: Deck 12 - Main sickbay


Doctor Ross had several appointments scheduled for today and her next one should be stepping through the door at any moment. She stood from her desk and adjusted her uniform and lab coat, the Chief Medical Officer made her way over to the main part of sickbay and waited.

Lieutenant Watson walked through the sliding doors and into sickbay for his mandatory checkup after transfer. He had just come from his meeting with the Captain.

"Welcome to sickbay" Ross said wearing a smile on her face.

Rey looked at the doctor. "Thank you doctor. I am Lieutenant Rey Watson, reporting for my mandatory transfer medical checkup."

"Right this way Lieutenant" Hope gestured toward the bio beds and then started toward the nearest one.

Rey nodded and sat down on the bio bed as instructed.

“Anything bothering you right now?” She asked out of courtesy and grabbed a tricoeder to start scanning. Also his medical record would be pulled up, he looked pretty healthy to Hope.

"Aside the rather long journey to get to the Endurance, I'd say I'm doing alright, well at least physically."

“Well that’s a good start” Hope smiled softly at him and continued to collect her data. "So what exactly do you do here on the Endurance?" Hope asked looking up from the tircorder readings.

"Aside from being the primary pilot, I hope to better my skills than they already are at the helm."

"Well I'm glad I can say you are fit for duty" Doctor Ross gave a nod and signed off in the computer system that Lieutenant Rey Watson was fit for duty.

"Is there anything else Doctor?" Rey asked.

"Not unless" she signed off on the Lieutenants physical "you have anything."

Rey took a moment to think. "I believe I am also in need for a mental examination as well?"

"Well Lieutenant Watson" Hope smiled and gestured for the gentleman to hop off the bio bed "if we don't get a counselor soon, I'll be glad to give you a quick exam."

"Understood Doctor. I guess for now that will be all." Rey said.

"See you around, fly boy" Ross said with a smile on her face.

"See you around Doc" Rey replied with a smile as he turned and left sickbay.


Hope Ross

Rey Watson


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