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Search and Rescue Plans

Posted on Mon Sep 27th, 2021 @ 7:43pm by Captain Temperance Harding & Lieutenant Rey Watson & Lieutenant Scott Mitchell "Ghost"

Mission: Mission 1: Distressed Cargo
Location: USS Endurance | Flight Pod
Timeline: Current


With a PADD in her hand, Temperance stepped out of the Turbolift into the Flight Deck pod. She had not yet set foot up here, the pang of being so close, and so far, had kept her away. Now though, the needs called for her to venture into the world she had once known. Once lived in.

The primary conference room doors opened to permit her entrance, already finding the two men she wanted to see. The two who would be helming - no pun intended - this aspect of the mission. "Good day, gentlemen."

Scott was reviewing a star map with the last known position of the Liberate. "We can use the SAR crafts to extend our search area. Their more fine tuned sensors would have an easier time locating any clues as to the ship's location." After hearing the Commander's greeting Scott turned to her, "Ma'am"

Rey was looking at a PADD that contained the course of the Endurance. The PADD also contained general information of the area, about what he'd have to avoid while piloting the ship. Nothing he couldn't handle. "Agreed." He said simply while picking up a cup of coffee and taking a sip. He set his coffee down as the Commander walked in and greeted them. "Captain." Rey said nodding at Temperance.

Temperance looked over the map, nodding thoughtfully at the suggestion. "I like. Do you think we should incorporate the standard Runabouts?" In conjunction to the Fighter Squadron, the Endurance also carried a standard shuttlebay, and a small number of runabouts, shuttles, and other small craft. "I realise they may not have the specialised sensors, but the wider net we can throw, the less back-and-forth to cover an area." As always, things like this were a matter of time and space. Really time, as space was merely the physical manifestation of time.

"The Runabouts do have an increased armament over the shuttles and they do have longer range than the shuttles and fighters. They would have an advantage in those areas." Watson answered. "If needed I can contact my shuttlebay manager."

"CAG? Any objections?" Temperance asked, casting a look to her chief fighter pilot. It was his squadron, but the ship's Runabouts.

Scott looked over the data for a moment contemplating his options. "The Runabouts do have a further range than the SAR birds." He moved over to the display on the wall behind the trio and began inputting data. "That would extend our search area to this here." Scott stepped back nodding before turning to his counterpart, "I think I'll take you up on that offer Lieutenant."

"Understood. I will have to advise my shuttlebay manager and the appropriate personnel first." Rey said honestly.

Temperance nodded, looking at the map, and seeing their search area. She was hoping to whatever diety was out there the Liberte was still in place. I was a lot of ground - so to speak - to cover, and they were still only one ship. Even with the shuttles and fighter craft. "Get on that ASAP. I want both departments coordinating together, and all pilots clear on their assigned areas."

"Yes ma'am." Watson answered back, taking a sip of coffee in the process.

Temperance stepped back from the table, and nodded at her two officers. "Alright, I won't keep you more than needed. Let's get this set-up."


Temperance Harding

Rey Watson

Scott Mitchell


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