Once More Unto the Breach
Posted on Mon Feb 28th, 2022 @ 10:29pm by Captain Temperance Harding & Lieutenant Commander Andromeda Lightfeather & Lieutenant Christine Childers & Lieutenant Xavon Starkweather & Lieutenant Rose Kersey & Lieutenant Scott Mitchell "Ghost"
Edited on on Mon Feb 28th, 2022 @ 10:30pm
Mission 2: Chasing Shadows
Location: USS Endurance
Timeline: 0900 Hours
With the majority of the prep work completed, Captain Temperance Harding sat in the Conference room just off the main Bridge, awaiting the arrival of her Senior Staff. She sat, at the head of the table, a cup of tea in front of her. It would be a very interesting mission ahead of them, she knew. It was one that her crew was more than capable of accomplishing.
Rose was first through the doors, she smiled politely as she greeted Harding. “Good Morning Captain” she made her way across to the replicator getting herself a fruit juice before taking a seat to the one side of Temperance.
Next into the room, a mug of herbal tea in hand and reading a Padd as she entered Andi paused looked up "hello Captain" she said then over to Kersey "hello Lieutenant, how is the little one today and how is the mother?" She asked referring to Rose's pregnancy.
Rose smiled warmly as she looked towards Andi. “We’re both very well, thank you, Commander.”
Harding offered the woman a warm smile. "Good morning, Counsellor. I am glad to hear you are well."
Xavon has just finished his shift and was making his way to the briefing, he brought all of his papers with him for the captain, he walked in tipping his head as he took his seat.
Rose smiled warmly as she looked towards Xavon, she’d enjoyed their evening together but for now, it was back to business. “Good Morning Doctor.”
Xavon looked up and smiled "Good morning Lieutenant” he returned with a tip of his head, smiling as he returned to his notes on the mission at hand.
Scott walked in, still zipping his uniform coat while holding a coffee mug in his mouth. He fell into a chair, propping his feet on the table, "Morning everyone" he groaned.
“Good Morning.” Rose smiled warmly as she greeted the latest arrival, he was someone she had yet to meet.
Looking up "hello Doctor" Andi said smiling as she looked at the Doctor as get entered.
[Tag arrivals - Christine, Starkweather]
With everyone settled in, Harding looked up from the PADD before her. "Ladies, and gentlemen. Before we get started, I have one minor announcement. With the transfer of our CMO, Mr Starkweather has agreed to step into the role of department head." She gave the man a warm smile.
Turning to business, Harding interlaced her fingers on the table. "We will be heading into the Lembatta Nebula. I have reason to believe that the Pirates who attacked the SS Liberte, and other freighters have some sort of operational home in the cloud." She paused for a moment. "However, there is a slight complication. Mr Starkweather?"
Xavon smiled and grabbed his papers "During my residency with the Romulan science and medical division, I found reference to a Romulan outpost in the Lembatta system" he said clearing his throat "it was used to create biological weapons taken directly from the nebula its self" he said grabbing his padd "I have prepared a little summary for you all" he said pressing a button to send the notes and some of the information over to the crews padds.
"If you could check your padds and read over my summary it would be of great help," he said looking back at his padd "This summary consists of some of the weapons created and the biological process used to create them, some of these experiments are horrendous and the Romulan high council deemed such practises after this as heinous and we were forbidden from entering into such things" what he was telling was the truth "I will be on the away mission to help to take my scans and make sure the away team stay safe and in good medical health," He said with a straight face "I will be taking questions after you have read the summary"
Rose looked up from her PADD. “Are you worried about possible contamination? Infection of the ship and crew?” She was obviously concerned not just for herself but her baby as well.
He looked to Lieutenant Kersey "I’m worried what left on this relic of a base could do harm to a lot more than just the crew hence why I think the base needs to deconned and blown up, but that's not for me to say lieutenant that's the captain's decision"
Rose nodded in response. There wasn’t much else she could do or say at this point.
Andi looked at the data on her Padd that had just been sent to it as she read it "this is a pretty ambitious doctor, the factors involved to pull off a successful operation would need to be favourable to any team we send in, do we know if there are any civilian buildings or settlements around it? Also, we would have to come up with a way of destroying the target so as the chemical compounds do not escape into the atmosphere to ruin the ecosystem or harm the civilians" Lightfeather said looking up at the Doctor.
Xavon looked through his own notes "The base sits on a disused asteroid inside the nebula no civilian life around and that commander is why I'm trying to come up with a plan I have looked over the ships specs for Evo suits and they seem adequate enough to stave off any of the residual biological life forms I will also preparing a hypospray to help guard the away team against any and all viruses or bacteria we should find I have access to the compounds used for most of them so I can create an inoculation to safeguard the away team and crew on the ship" he said with a smile.
Smiling "good, why don't we simply destroy said asteroid from space?" Andi said looking up and having said it in a bland tone, "still going down there will still be risky, but hey this is Starfleet" Lightfeather said.
Xavon smiled a little "I want to make sure that before we do that there aren't live specimens down there that need help I don't know what the Romulans could have done if there were indeed live people being experimented on it would explain why high command put a stop to it"
Rose glanced at Lightfeather. “I should be able to give you some idea whether there’s life down there when we get closer, I won’t be able to tell how many lifeforms just if there is indeed life.”
Andi looked at Rose and give the Counsellor a shallow head bow "thank you Lieutenant Kersey is is appreciated" Lightfeather said with a smile/
Harding had watched the exchange unfold before her. She enjoyed getting to see how her senior staff interacted. "The research lab and any remaining material is a concern. and one to be dealt with. We also need information on these Pirates that are making attacks in the local region. XO, Ms Childers, how confident are you in leading an insertion team to gather intelligence and allow Dr Starkweather to determine the dangers of blowing this rock into dust?"
Xavon raised his hand before speaking "Captain if I may?" he asked looking at his padd before he spoke as to not assume it was ok for him to speak.
"Always, doctor," Harding replied giving the man a kind look.
Scott had been going over the reports noted in the PADD while listening to the conversation going on in the background yet his mind kept wandering to one particular issue, "With all due respect to everyone, we can make all the plans we want as to what to do with the base and leading insertion teams but before we get to that point there's one glaring problem." Scott rose and made his way over to the display on the wall bringing up data on both the Endurance and the asteroid base, "The Endurance is not exactly small. She is going to be detected and fired upon if we take her straight in. With shields up, we will not be able to beam in so that leaves transports. Now my guys are good but there just is not enough of us to protect the Endurance, transports and take on that monster."
Looking at what was being shown "It is wise to send in fighters to scout the area Captain, as I think a base that important would be a serious issue to the Endurance and who knows what weapons they have installed on the facility!" Lightfeather advised then looked at Mitchell.
"Lieutenant Mitchell, even if the Captain gives you the green light, your wing only has a roughly 60/40% chance to go undetected, I give the ratio as we do not know the sensor ability or range of the facility, but I agree fighters would have a larger chance of getting in scanning and getting out again" Lightfeather added.
Harding watched the back and forth, deciding to step in. She knew full well how a fighter pilot would react to such a statement - she was one herself, once. "The truth is, we do not have accurate specs on the place - from a technical perspective. The plan is to have the fighters move in ahead of the Endurance, with us quarterbacking with Command and Control. The sensor pods on the birds will allow for a larger range, to gain information. From that, we can analyze and prepare for our boarding."
Scott started to form his all too infamous smirk, "Commander, did I ever tell you how I got the name Ghost?"
"All right." Harding gave everyone a look. "I'll be in touch with each of you discuss department details in more specifics. Until then, I want all departments to prepare for what's ahead. Dismissed."