Away Team
Posted on Thu Jun 30th, 2022 @ 11:12pm by Chief Petty Officer Charlton Kelly & Lieutenant Commander Andromeda Lightfeather & Lieutenant Commander Nyx Valentine & Lieutenant Absinthe Harper & Lieutenant Xavon Starkweather & Lieutenant Sarok & Lieutenant Scott Mitchell "Ghost"
Mission: Mission 2: Chasing Shadows
OOC: if I missed anyone, please let me know! This is taking place after we all get to the shuttle bay to prep for launch and await orders.
Abby strode into the shuttle bay, every movement of her body exuding confidence. She was a woman on a mission, a mission she knew she was going to win. Everything from the sway of the wide belt on her denim-clad hips to the black tight-fitting low-cut vest to the rifle slung on her back to the two very non-Federation handheld weapons on her hip, she was prepared to succeed.
"Right," her voice resonated across the shuttle bay as she approached, the sound of her boots echoing with each determined stride. "The only way we're going to pull this off is if we stay under their radar, get in, do what we need to do and get out." She walked across to a wall console and brought up a schematic of the facility they were targetting. "Seeing as how some of us have no comprehension of how to follow basic protocols or simple direct orders I've decided I'll be taking charge of the away team."
Drawing in a quick breath, Abby readjusted the rifle on her back. "Casper, as soon as we're within range, I want you to transport Kelly and myself to this location. It won't be hard to hide our presence while we're close to the facility, but the problem we're going to have is as soon as we need to leave the runabout idling..." She tapped at the console and the view changed. "I noticed this when I was pulling data before. The ship is docked at docking bay nine, it hasn't moved in a good while and it seems to be having some issues with low band emissions that are probably what's making repairs difficult. I'd guess that's a good place to park while we're at the facility. The emissions seem to be making it hard for sensors to function effectively in that small area, so hopefully, the runabout will remain undetected, at least long enough for us to get in, do what we need and get out again. Once you've parked, transport the rest of the team to this location and we'll meet you there. I expect Kelly and I will have maybe fifteen minutes to get to the meeting point. Before leaving the runabout, I suggest you also pre-program an autopilot sequence including an emergency transport protocol."
Scott followed the Security Chief's briefing word for word. He was shocked that the command staff had wanted a fighter pilot on what was clearly a ground assault mission in any other role that glorified chauffeur. "Cut power and drift into the emissions screen..." he thought out loud. "It can definitely be done, timing will be tricky though."
Nyx had been met by one of her engineers just outside the door with her mission bag, an easily carriable satchel that contained everything she might reasonably need for a trip outside the ship. It did NOT contain a tabletop rifle repair cradle, but a field-expedient could be readily created if needed. She settled the phaser on her hip after having checked it, then paid attention with occasional glances at the Exec. Of course, what the Security Chief was WEARING was a fashion faux pas for this sort of mission. She could appreciate what the outfit did for that figure, but it wouldn't do any true favours for the tiny woman. Compensating for something? She shook her head slightly as she got back to it, "Transport protocol is a simple thing, I'll have one ginned up before we leave the shuttle bay, but I question your desire to go gallivanting about absent support. Beaming in two teams gives the internal sensors twice as many opportunities to detect us than a single transport cycle."
She didn't even give Abby a chance to interrupt her, stepping up next to the smaller woman and Nyx pointed to another room, one of the cargo areas, "Right here is a sensor weak spot on this class of ship, they constantly trigger sensor ghosts that all but the most annoying of security teams learn to ignore. Unless you have a solid reason that we should split up the team on insertion, Lieutenant, I would recommend that we stick together and have you play advance scout for our movements. You are correct, we need to get in, get the job done and get out without being detected, but having two groups is, in my professional opinion, a bad idea, especially if one or both are in motion." She spoke as politely as she'd been raised to be, respectful and with eloquence.
Chief Petty Officer Charlton Kelly observed the briefing with a slightly amused smile. Whatever had happened on the bridge - had hadn't been present, instead of making sure his Go Back was prepped - it had given the Lieutenant cause to question their XO. "I do concur with the Lieutenant." He said. "I have my own objectives on board, and the two of us beaming in first would allow me to make a start prior to the rest of the team's arrival."
“And these objectives are, Chief?” Nyx asked the question with a smile on her face, “I’ve no doubt they’re important, but if it could affect what the rest of us are beaming into and where we may need to know them so we can be prepared for any potential fallout. Likewise, we can also know what we need to avoid.”
"That, Commander," Kelly said in a carefully respectful voice, "is classified. Myself and the Captain only. I have done this sort of thing many times. Gone in, done the job, and got me out. If your departure would be delayed solely because of me, and the team is in immediate danger, you are to depart without me. I know the risks. I've done this for many years."
“Getting out isn’t what I’m worried about, Chief.” Nyx’s smile faltered slightly, but she shored it up to hide her concern, “As the Lieutenant said, getting in, doing the job and getting out without being detected is the key to this mission. I’m just trying to minimize the risk of detection, so we can do just that. I don’t have the need to know, but I’d still recommend at least a simultaneous beam-in.” She used her tone of voice to accede that she wasn’t a tactician, but an engineer who was truly trying to help.
Abby had had about enough. Between the way Nyx had given her the once over to the constant disagreement, she was getting increasingly frustrated with this woman. "With all due respect Commander," Abby spoke calmly but firmly. "This isn't your decision to make, nor is it your place to question these decisions. If you have an issue, by all means, take it up with the Captain. Your lack of participation in the away team won't make a lick of difference to our ability to meet our objectives, but if you can't stay in your lane you become a hindrance and a potential risk."
Turning her attention toward Andi, Abby spoke again. "The secondary transport point was specifically chosen because it should give you maximum time without detection on the facility. It's not a heavily populated area, but it would pay to still remain vigilant. This central hub is where I expect to find what we're really looking for. There are only two ways in and out. The advantage to alternate transports is that we can successfully barricade both entries."
Andi Nodded Harper despite her attitude towards the First Officer knew her job, she reflected back on her time as a Security Chief, the adventures were not as profound as this, but still, she waited till Harper had finished her briefing then she spoke up as she stepped forward looking at Harper.
"Lieutenant Harper, might I have a word with you in private over there," she said indicating a spot well away from the rest of the team "we need to have a little chat, the mission can wait a few minutes," Lightfeather said and she was not giving Harper the option to refuse.
Abby cleared the console, making sure no information was left displayed that may pose a security risk before turning toward Andi and offering a sweet smile. "Of course Commander, just make it quick, I still have lots to do."
When they were out of earshot of the rest of the team Andi turned to Lieutenant Harper "your comment in the lift was uncalled for and out of line, I expect the Captain to have a word with me about my error on the bridge, but you have not earned that right to say such stuff, especially in front of others it was uncalled for" she paused.
"If you have an issue with me and what I do in future address it to me in private I would be more than happy to hear you out just because you are Security Chief of this ship you do not speak to me in such a manner," She said not using a threatening punishment this time she was out of line in the CRR, she would not make that mistake a second time.
She sighed *sighs* But what is it with you and that chip on your shoulder Lieutenant? You know your job that is clear from the briefing but first in the CRR with that offhanded comment I apologise for my overreaction in the CRR and trust me the Captain had a go at me for it and then there was the insult you said in the lift, you have issues. I do not expect you to respect me as a person as that is earned, but I do expect all officers on this ship that are under me to respect my position do I make myself absolutely crystal clear Lieutenant Harper?" Lightfeather asked if there were no threats this time around just a simple response to what had been said.
Abby stared at the other woman, a thoroughly incredulous expression on her face. "Chip on my shoulder?" There was a moment of silence before Abby spoke again. "Are you serious right now? So far every interaction I've had with you, Commader has been nothing short of an absolute joke. First you treat me like I'm an absolute idiot, that was within minutes of even meeting me. I'd barely even spoken. Then you threaten me? You stand here now and have a go at me for what I said in the turbolift? I'll stand by those words and any more to come. As long as I am Chief of Security on this ship *I* am responsible for the safety and well being of every member of this crew. What you did was fundamentally and stupidly dangerous to every single other person on this ship. You put us ALL in danger. I would be perfectly within my position as Chief of Security to throw you in the brig for gross violation of a direct order. That IS my job AND my purview. Unfortunately, I am about to lead an away team into a potentially hostile situation and the Captain hasn't indicated that they don't want you on that team. As soon as I'm back on the ship and this situation is resolved I will be having a lengthy conversation with the Captain about your attitude and action in her Ready Room, on the Bridge, and here now... but until then, my primary focus is getting this team into the Facility and out again, intact and with the information we need. Now, unless you have something productive to add to the away team briefing, I have a job to do."
Xavon had grabbed all of his medical supplies from the sick bay and made his way to the shuttle bay, ready for the away mission ahead, a large carry case full of tricorders, hyposprays and emergency medical first aid kits were all stowed inside. Striding into shuttle bay "Hello everyone sorry if I was late getting my supplies from the medical took longer than required" he spoke standing next to the runabout as he heard the exchange going on.
Nyx had watched the Exec take Harper off to the side, then turned her gaze away as she fumed privately. Stay in her own lane? Sure, that gun bunny knew how to get into trouble, but who would get her out? Nyx had gracefully conceded she didn't have the need to know about Chief Kelly and Lieutenant Harper's additional objectives but did the Security Chief not have the basic knowledge of engineering and sensors? Definitely, Nyx's lane, with a valid point to try to reduce the likelihood of being caught. And to be berated by the twit? It was almost too much to stay quiet for, but she'd be the bigger person and bite her tongue.
As the team continued conversing in the Shuttle Bay, the Red Alert klaxon sounded, and the strip lighting turned red. 'Bridge to Shuttlebay. Sixty seconds to launch. Make ready, and wait for the order.'
A rumble came through the ship as the deck shook under an impact.
When Harper had finished and the ship shook from a possible impact "okay let's hustle" Lightfeather said rushing to the runabout, personal issues had to be put to one side as duty came first "okay you lot get on that ship and someone kindly start the pre-flight and prepare us for launch" Lightfeather said entering the ship all the others were either in front of her or bringing up the rear.
When all were in she closed the door "okay all in and the doors are secured" she said so the person piloting could launch the ship when clearance was given.
As Lieutenant Mitchell was preparing for launch, Kelly opened a weapons locker, handing phaser rifles to the Security team, and Lieutenant Harper. He then began dispensing Type-2 handphasers to the rest of the team. Carefully, the Chief set one into Mitchell's holster, as the man was prepping the shuttle. "There you go, Lieutenant." Kelly said, and sat back down in his seat.
"Bridge to Avon. Squadron will launch, and scatter to hide you in the clutter. Launch on my mark, head straight to the nebula, and avoid all contact till you reach the facility at the center." There was a pause for a number of seconds that seemed to stretch into infinity. "Launch, launch, launch!"