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Two Pilots and a Secret Agent Walk Into a Bar

Posted on Mon Jul 26th, 2021 @ 4:21pm by Lieutenant Rey Watson & Lieutenant Emony Kerev & Lieutenant Scott Mitchell "Ghost"
Edited on on Mon Jul 26th, 2021 @ 4:45pm

Mission: Mission 0: Have Wings, Will Fly
Location: Lounge
Timeline: Current?


Rey Watson walked into the crew lounge looking for a drink. He had just finished a rather busy day of meeting various personnel in his department, as well as meeting the Captain, and having his mandatory medical check-up following his transfer tot he Endurance. The pilot took a seat at the bar waiting for his turn to order.

Emony sat already at the bar, but she wasn't in uniform. Instead, she looked about as out of place on a Starfleet vessel as she could without being Romulan or Jem'Hadar. Her attire of a simple drab shirt, dark colored pants and matching boots, and a leather jacket looked more akin to a freelancer in Stardust City than an Intelligence officer. Her blonde hair was even let down to cover up her spots. In her hands, she sipped at a Risan mai-tai.

Given that others were giving her a wide berth, she was surprised when someone sat next to her. This suggested to her that she was dealing with someone who either wasn't paying attention to her, perhaps used to such things, or was new on board and didn't know about the Intelligence officer. Either way, she cracked a grin.

"Bold, ya know?" Emony asked, with a slight accent that wasn't hers, "Assumin' that seat wasn't already taken, I mean."

Rey looked towards the mysterious woman. "What can I say, I see an open seat and I take it." The pilot grinned.

Emony arched an eyebrow, "Bold can mean trouble, yeah? Trouble your middle name or somethin', is that what you're gonna say next?"

Rey chuckled. "How did you know?" Rey asked clearly playing along.

The door hissed open as Scott made his way to the bar. It had been a long day of getting pilots and fighters on board as well as a few arguments with the maintenance crews about how he liked his fighters tuned which resulted in his current quest for a much needed drink. He quickly moved to on open seat and nodded at the bartender, "Old Fashioned," he ordered when asked. Looking to his right he noted the two officers already engaged in a conversation, "Hope I'm not crashing anything, yet."

"Uh huh. I getcha now, a couple of narrow arrow flyboys. Danger for breakfast, trouble for desert types, yeah?" Emony was laughing internally, but she was still playing her part as a spacer, not as a Starfleet officer. And a seemingly jaded one by the sounds of it.

Scott chuckled at the remark before taking a sip of his drink, "Maybe for Con officers." he said giving a small smile and a wink to his redshirted counterpart.

The bartender came up to Rey to take his order. "One coffee with cream please." The bartender nodded and left to go replicate the coffee. "Many times its the adrenaline. Or in my case, replicated coffee." Rey chuckled.

Emony paused for a moment, before sitting more upright. She reached into her jacket and pulled out a hair tie, pulling her hair back into a single knot, which also revealed her Trill spots.

"Actually, if I'm completely honest, that all sounded better in my head." She said, the accent now gone, "Starfleet officers seem to avoid dive bars. Hard to refine my act when the setting doesn't work."

"No hard feelings I hope, but you were subjects of some acting practice." Emony said, speaking like a completely different person, "Plus I'd probably get time in the brig for practicing bar brawling too."

Rey sipped his coffee. "It's quite alright." He chuckled realizing the obvious. "I don't think I introduced myself. However, I don't mind being called a flyboy."

"Emony Kerev." Emony said as she hoisted up her mai-tai and took a swig from it, "Lieutenant Kerev. I run Intel's side of the house here. It's mostly boring work, but we rotate like that to avoid burning agents out."

Rey took a sip from his coffee. "Lieutenant Rey Watson. As my counterpart implied, I am the Chief Helm Officer of the Endurance." He said looking at Scott and back at Emony. "Aside from piloting the ship, I also make sure my shuttle pilots aren't taking the shuttles for unauthorized joyrides." Watson chuckled.

Scott sat his drink down, "Scott Mitchell, CAG. I'm the guy would go bring home said joyriders."

"To the joyriders then." Emony lifted her glass again and took a drink, "I've learned enough to make quick getaways or play a role. Problem is that you can't specialize so it limits one a fair bit, since you never know what is waiting on the pad."

"Either of you surprised you got posted to a Nebula instead of an Akira? Starfleet doesn't really run many carrier types, and Nebulas tend to get used for other roles." Emony asked.

"I'm not that surprised. But, to be fair, I requested a transfer, and the Endurance was one of the choices I had, so naturally, I applied. I'm sure I could have gone for an assignment on an Akira, or even another Sovereign, but I wanted something more low-key." Rey said honestly. "Plus I hadn't even served on a Nebula before now, despite being a commissioned officer for 10 years now." He said taking another sip of his drink.

Scott took a long look at his drink before continuing the conversation, "From a strategic point of view the Endurance is more of what could be considered an escort carrier." He sensed his drinking companions' gaze on him as if to ask him to elaborate, something he was more than happy to do. "There's fleet carriers like that of the Valkyrie, mammoth sized ships that deploy dozens of squadrons. Those are followed up by your light carriers like the Akira, faster and more maneuverable but they don't carry as many fighters. Lastly you have your escort carriers like a flight pod equipped Nebula. These guys are going to be your first responders to crisis situations and such."

"Not quite, Scotty. The Valkyrie was a one-off, the USS Dreadnought was one of a kind. Has to be, she's as big as a starbase. Nebulas tend to find work in other roles, as I said. And you're applying archaic naval nomenclature besides. Nebula isn't an "escort carrier", it's a multipurpose exploration vessel." She chuckled, "And in just that, I think I've figured more out about you than you wanted to let on."

Emony turned to Rey, "Now, as for you, that's a standard answer. Still telling, though not as much. But that's a fair answer all the same, every ship has a different feel. My mother was on building crews, originally at Utopia Planitia. Avoided the destruction thanks to a family trip. Now she's overseeing projects at the yards over Trill. Smaller scale, of course."

"I don't suppose either of you are poker players?" Emony asked with another grin.

"With my family being part of the command crew of my previous assignment, I may have been dragged to a few different games of poker. I would say that I'm pretty competitive at the game actually." Rey chuckled

"I tend to gamble enough when I'm in the pilot's seat unfortunately Spooks."

"Interesting..." Emony trailed off, nodding as if having made some scientific observation. "I will file that away for future reference. Also, the term is singular. Spook is slang for a spy. Spooks would be plural. And likely denote things went horribly wrong if there were more than one spy in a room. Maybe a spy convention. We talk about secret codes and ways to topple governments. Share favorite drinks and nominate who had the best one-liner."

She set her glass down, now empty, "Nothing is ever as it seems, gentlemen. But I'll leave you both to that as I have to get an early start tomorrow. Good evening, gentlemen."

Scott tossed the rest of his drink back before stretching, "Well I better head out as well. Long day tomorrow."

Rey figured he would probably stay at the bar for a while long himself. "To the flyboys." Rey said raising his drink and taking a sip. "Well, I guess I'll see you around." He said looking at Scott.



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