Staff Briefing
Posted on Sat Jul 31st, 2021 @ 7:31pm by Lieutenant Commander Andromeda Lightfeather & Captain Temperance Harding & Lieutenant Commander Hope Ross MD & Lieutenant Rey Watson & Lieutenant Duncan Heyward & Lieutenant Tyler Elbrun DSci & Lieutenant Emony Kerev & Lieutenant Scott Mitchell "Ghost"
Edited on on Wed Aug 4th, 2021 @ 3:59pm
Mission 1: Distressed Cargo
Location: USS Endurance | Conference Room
With the ship well underway, and their course laid in, Temperance summoned the senior staff for the mission's briefing. She entered the Conference Room, and took the customary seat at the head of the table for the CO. With the few minutes before the others arrived, she looked down the length of it and took in the moment.
Emony made her way in, holding two PADDs as she found a seat. One contained the most recent updates on the surrounding three sectors they were in and going to be nearest to. This included threat assessments, known tactical and strategic hazards, and any potential political and non-government matters ongoing. The other had a direct link to her terminal down on Deck 12, which in turn, had a subspace link to Starfleet Intelligence, for any queries made during the meeting.
Lieutenant Tyler Elbrun came into the Conference Room also reading a data PADD which held the most recent scientific data on a number of subjects including the gravimetric storms of the Rayder Expanse as well as the newest breakthroughs in genetics. He was a jack-of-all-trades and a master of many if he did say so himself. And he did.
Duncan Heyward walked into the Conference room. He was a recent addition to the crew and hadn't had time to meet anyone yet, but that was the way it went in Starfleet. He'd just dropped Owen off at school, telling the boy to make friends and behave himself. Tactical PADD in his hand, he sat down, choosing a seat towards the middle of the table, not knowing just yet were his exact seat was in the pecking order.
Watson entered the Conference room and took a seat closest to the window setting his PADD down on the table. He didn't have much to report since he was the ship's main pilot, so he figured he would be given orders more so than giving information. That being said, he had his personnel manifests for his department, as well as the status of the shuttles, in the event that they needed to use them.
Padd in hand Andi arrived in the briefing room and walked up to the replicator and replicated herself a Raktijino Coffee and walked around the table to her seat next to the Captain and sat down. She looked around "Hello, for those of you I have not yet met hello and the same to those I have met, I am the new First Officer Lieutenant Commander Andromeda Lightfeather," she said introducing herself to those she had not yet seen or met before now.
Duncan spoke up first. "Lieutenant Heyward, Ma'am. Chief Security and Tactical Officer," he said, nodding to her.
"Emony Kerev, Lieutenant, Intelligence Department. Just here to crunch assessments and weave in a sense of intrigue into your day to day life." Emony said, though without looking up from her PADD as information was coming in.
"Lieutenant Rey Watson." He answered. "I am the main pilot of the Endurance, and I run the main Flight Control Department."
It didn't take Doctor Ross long to get to the briefing, lucky for the Doc she had met most if not all of the senior staff. Hope gave a nod to the Commanding Officer as she walked in and took a seat.
Scott finally entered PADD in hand. He quickly took his seat, in the vain attempt of sneaking in unseen. He had spent the majority of his time since coming aboard getting his newfound squadron command settled in unfortunately leaving him little time to respond to some of his other duties.
Now that everyone had arrived, Temperance took a look at all of them. "We're on a Search and Rescue mission." She explained. "As I briefly touched on when we departed Spacedock, our outer-colonies have been relying on supply runs from the Federation's core. A number of civilian freighters have been used to transport what the colonies need. Recently, though, there have been reports of delayed and missing shipments."
She punched in command in the tabletop beside her, and the wall display screen showed a design schematic of one such ship. "The SS Liberté. She was carrying medical supplies to a small cluster of colonies. It seems a disease has begun to spread, and the Federation has been endeavouring to resolve this crisis. Unfortunately, the Liberté has gone dark. Our destination is its last known coordinates, approximately 3 hours ago. Starfleet hopes that she is simply having engineering problems. That would be nice, but given the value of the cargo, no one is holding their breath on that."
She looked first at both pilots. "Lieutenants Watson, and Mitchell. I need the two of you to start working out a search pattern, begin with her last-known position - I believe our ETA is about 12 hours? That should allow for more than enough time to plot the search."
"With our ETA at 12 hours, we should have enough time to come up with a search pattern." Rey nodded, accepting the order.
Scott nodded, "I'll have the SAR birds preped and have them coordinate with Endurance once we get a pattern set up."
Looking at the Visuals Andi was a little worried and looked at the Captain "Captain, what are the closest empires to the sector where the shipments have been going missing?" Lightfeather asked.
"Mostly they are clustered between here and Starbase 11, along the Klingon-Federation border."
"I was just wondering as the Romulan's love to slow down Federation expansion, or perhaps it might be the Orion Syndicate all I know is transports do not go dark for no reason, there is always a reason behind them," Lightfeater said.
"I agree. It is a worrying situation."
Temperance shifted her gaze to the good doctor. "Doctor Hope, you and Lieutenant Elbrun will need to go over all of the Federation's reports on the colonies in question, as well as the medical cargo. In the unfortunate event, the Liberté cannot continue, we will need to finish the job ourselves. Make note of any special containment requirements - if there are any, and prep for the transfer. Any and all Cargo bays are at your disposal for this."
"I'm sure the good Dr and I can work well together, Captain. I mean we're both Drs after all we're merely not the same kind of doctor," Tyler said with a wink at Ross and a smile. "What do you think, Dr Ross?"
"Lieutenant Heyward, I would like you to begin boarding drills, in the event the freighter has been seized. I want a full Security team prepped, and ready for a possible assault to take back Federation property. You have the run of the Holodecks."
"I'll get on it immediately, Captain," said Duncan. He had already selected his team, anticipating the need for a possible boarding action. An old friend from his Academy days was on board with his wife and daughter, and they would watch Owen any time he was off the ship. He was good to go.
"Lieutenant Kerev. I need you to check up on any details regarding activity in the area. Privateers, smugglers, black marketeers. Anyone and anything that might want to nab that freighter. I want to know what we could be walking into before we step in it."
"Yes ma'am," Hope said with a nod looking over at Elburn knowing they had some work in front of them.
Tyler nodded back. He had been going over the senior staff's service jackets and noted that Lieutenant Heyward had a 10 yo son. Tyler's own 'children' got along extremely well with other children and so he made a mental not to speak with the Lieutenant when there came a chance to do so.
"Most recent estimates already aren't favourable. Orion Syndicate is operating virtually unchecked since they moved into Romulan space, recent fleet movements are prioritizing the upswing of hostilities between the Klingons and the Gorn which leaves border patrols in some areas less fortified, and this is well before any non-affiliated sorts start to come into play," Emony said, looking up from her PADD, "Truth is, Captain, that's a broad net to cast. I'm either going to need more clues as a result of the searches and scans, a ransom note to come in of some kind, maybe a prisoner to chat with. Or just one hell of a lucky break."
"To that end, I'd like to request access to the results of any sweeps we make as soon as they're available, and permission to conduct interviews with any captured personnel," Emony concluded.
Temperance gave a resigned nod. "I feared it would be a tall order. I'll get your net patched into the sensors, and all Fighter sweeps can be copied to you as well."
"Thank you, Captain," Emony replied.
"If we manage to get to them while they're still in the process of plundering one of those freighters my people and I can get you a prisoner, Captain," said Duncan, wanting to help.
Looking at the Captain "Do you want me to lead an Away Team Captain, or do you want me on the bridge as all this goes down?" Lightfeather asked.
"When we find the Freighter, depending on her condition, I want you on the Away Team, Commander."
Nodding her head "Understood Captain, I will look at crew bios and choose who I will be taking with me" Griffith's said in response.
Doctor Ross would have sickbay prepared to receive injured crew members from the freighter. She started going over the most likely injuries they would see so she could prep her staff, although she had faith that they knew what they were doing. However just in case, the First Officer decided she would need the Chief Medical Officer on her away team, Ross wanted everything to be in order.
"Normally, I'd ask to be on for prisoner recovery and interview on-site...but I'll avoid the rush and argument for now and just stay on the ship," Emony said.
Looking over at the Chief Medical Officer, "I will want you on the Away team Doctor" Lightfeather said as she tapped the note on her Padd.
"I would also like to join the away team, Commander Lightfeather if you don't have any issues with my presence?" Tyler said by way of a question.
Looking at the Doctor "I have no problems with that" Lightfeather said with a smile.
"Let's focus on finding the ship first," Temperance interjected. "Lieutenant, with the Doctor on the Away Team, it may be that your knowledge and expertise could be invaluable should we have to transfer the supplies from the freighter to the Endurance. However, we will cross that bridge when we come to it. Everyone has plenty to be getting on with while we are en route, I suggest we call this to a close and move forward with our preparations."